Steamrolled by the Obama Administration and Planned Parenthood–Citizens Have No Right to Object to Mandatory Free Birth Control
We, the people, have once again been steamrolled by the Obama administration and Planned Parenthood.
We, the people, have once again been steamrolled by the Obama administration and Planned Parenthood.
The headlines are teeming with the news that in one state after another, Planned Parenthood is falling prey to common sense.
Stop Planned Parenthood International’s (STOPP) Defund Planned Parenthood Action Center generates a lot of interest, enthusiasm and, at times, skepticism.
Crises abound in the world today whether they are in the streets of London, the hallways of Congress, or the state capitals that house men and women hell-bent on dictating behavioral norms for all of us.
The administration’s decision results from an Institute of Medicine recommendation less than a month ago that argued that the use of birth control would curtail the number of unwanted pregnancies and thus reduce the abortion rate.
A jubilant Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s CEO, trumpeted to supporters on Monday
When the recent Institute of Medicine recommendations came to light last Tuesday, there was a deluge of media commentary that followed.
Do you hear it? It begins as a whimpering, sniveling sound and peaks with a vicious roar, before dying down once again to a whimper. There it is again! And again!
The Institute of Medicine just returned its report to Health and Human Services that annual sex counseling, contraception, and chemical abortion be mandated as free preventive public and private healthcare in the United States. IOM is on record that it believes abortion is a health benefit to women.
A recent report entitled, “The Case for Investigating Planned Parenthood,” by Americans United for Life has received some high profile support.
New investigative video explains why Hyde Amendment does not work.
“Concerned citizens need to tell their friends and family to visit and to get involved as soon as possible.”