The Power of the Crucifixion of Christ
As Easter approaches, let us reflect upon the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf and about the countless blessings He continually bestows upon us.
As Easter approaches, let us reflect upon the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf and about the countless blessings He continually bestows upon us.
President Donald Trump signed a bill allowing states to withhold Title X funding from abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood.
How is it that a man and a woman can be persecuted for exposing the truth, yet the continual tearing apart and selling of baby limbs and organs is accepted as normal?
Though great strides are being made because of the new administration, prayers are continually needed.
This PP map gives pro-lifers an innovative way to spread the pro-life message.
Contrary to Planned Parenthood’s propaganda, Gorsuch does not have an “alarming history of interfering with reproductive rights.”
We understand the “game” that PP plays on a daily basis to convince people of its worth, but we also understand the truth—that playing with and destroying innocent lives is never a game. Learn how to discern and teach the truth.
The state of California continues to persecute two innocent people for exposing PP’s nefarious actions.
The #ProtestPP rallies earlier this month sparked a debate between Planned Parenthood and more radical abortion groups, particularly those with a socialist bent.
Though Planned Parenthood attempts to hide the truth, we can always see through its lies.
See what ALL has done this week as we constantly work toward a culture of life.
In all probability, Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s president, Cecile Richards, hasn’t had a really good night’s sleep since the November elections.