ALL Expresses Outrage over Suppressed Evidence of Possible Born Alive Infant Harvesting
The company, StemExpress, which is one of the biotech companies that PP is partnered with to harvest their fetal tissue and sell it.
The company, StemExpress, which is one of the biotech companies that PP is partnered with to harvest their fetal tissue and sell it.
My heart aches today. This new video gives witness to a train wreck of human tragedy.
American Life League Releases Report on PP Salaries
Respect for every human being’s life and the sanctity of marriage is the cornerstone and heartbeat of any nation.
Washington, DC-The passing of H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, is no victory for the pro-life movement, explained Judie Brown, president of American Life League, in a commentary issued today.
Judie Brown is a zealot. American Life League sits self-righteously in judgment of our Catholic shepherds.
Statement from ALL president Judie Brown in support of Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone
Judie Brown, president of American Life League, reacted to the death of pro-life hero Professor Charles Rice with the following statement.
American Life League president Judie Brown issued the following statement after learning of the death of close friend and founder of Cincinnati Right to Life, Dr. Jack Willke.
ALL Urgently Requests that Catholic Bishops Halt Dispensing of Emergency Contraception.
STOPP releases 2014 report on Planned Parenthood facilities in the United States.
American Life League’s Undercover Investigation Led to Shocking Discovery