A Beloved Boxer and Granny
We must understand and teach others the sacredness of every human being’s life. Our eternal souls depend upon it.
We must understand and teach others the sacredness of every human being’s life. Our eternal souls depend upon it.
In today’s guest commentary, Dr. Elizabeth Wickham writes about the low-profile wing of the euthanasia movement known as the Third Path.
An Australian nurse explains the realities of euthanasia—realities that know no borders.
No one likes to suffer, but humans are not animals who can be “put down” when infirmity or old age comes. How do we teach respect for God’s children in an era where assisted suicide is becoming more and more acceptable?
Do you want to live in a culture that comforts you when you’re seriously ill or dying? Or do you want one that brushes you aside and tells you to die?
Why does euthanizing Fido spark an outrage that the euthanizing of Grandma does not?
Though hatred and disdain seem to run rampant in today’s society, we must never lose sight of the fact that Christ’s love is the antidote.
Are you looking for the perfect way to start the school year?
Loose morality, the actions of misguided organizations, and hedonistic behavior have alarming consequences. What can we do about a nation teetering on the brink of moral decay?
Beautiful Baby Charlie touched so many during his short time with us. The gifts he brought us and the lessons we learned will never be forgotten.
When the culture of death prevails, innocent and defenseless people get hurt or killed. How do we stop this?
Do you know what the Church teaches regarding transgender issues?