Contraceptive Dictatorship
Though today’s society has influenced the acceptance of contraception and made it more palatable, CLSP has the antidote to get rid of this poison.
Though today’s society has influenced the acceptance of contraception and made it more palatable, CLSP has the antidote to get rid of this poison.
In a world where so many live in darkness, and selfishness reigns supreme, American Life League illuminates the path and teaches the way to the light of Christ.
Every fifth grader knows the inalienable rights that Founding Father Thomas Jefferson wrote about in the Declaration of Independence.
A pregnancy help center fights back against a city council, while a leader in the pro-abortion movement rejoices in bloodshed.
Planned Parenthood confuses teens about what it means to give consent.
Being pro-life is about more than just knowing abortion is wrong.
In a world replete with immorality and hedonistic teachings, one program offers a solution.
In a world teeming with immorality, we desperately need a way to guide our children down the path toward God. American Life League will show you how.
The Culture of Life Studies Program has some amazing products to share with your family this summer.
An oft-quoted anecdote says that if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, he will jump out.
The actions of just one person can have a tremendous and devastating impact.
The beauty of the culture of life is that it is a way of life and not just another set of principles and rules.