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Contraception and Cancer

By Nicole King
The News Story – Why you’re still paying for birth control even though it’s “free” now
Susie Poppick writes for TIME this week about her near-miss at having to fork over a $50 copay for her birth control.

Contraception Is the Root Cause of Abortion!

Imagine that your doctor has just given you the terrific news that your annual checkup went well and that all of your tests show that you are in perfect health. Then imagine that he hands you a script and says, Take this every day. It has many side effects, including lethal ones. You would be loath to begin this regimen. Yet, this is what countless women do each day when they use contraception to prevent a pregnancy.

Bringing Abortion out of the Closet?

We live in a backward culture that somehow thinks the murder of a child is not only acceptable, but something that should be celebrated and embraced. We’ve allowed minds to become so twisted and confused that they don’t even see the resulting destruction. We say all the time that we must be voices for the preborn, but are we loud enough to be heard over all this noise?

Babies, Plan B, and Abortion

In many things in life it’s prudent to have a backup plan a contingency for when things may not go as you had hoped or expected. Such is not the case when it comes to the life of a child. This child, created in the image and likeness of God, is a human being from the very moment he is created. Emergency contraception can take his life. And that is no backup plan.

That’s Messed Up: The Recipe for This Election Cycle’s Birth Control Soup-Sandwich That Set Planned Parenthood Backtracking

By Rita Diller
What happens when you take copious amounts of hormonal carcinogens, steep in utter disregard for humanity, sprinkle with false compassion, stir all in a thinly veiled broth of vote grappling, and spike with pieces of women’s broken health, families torn asunder, and children dead and forgotten? You get something more messed up than the proverbial soup-sandwich.

All Wired Up: The Contraceptive Chip

By Karl D. Stephan
An MIT spinoff called MicroCHIPS has announced plans to market an implantable contraceptive chip that can be turned on and off remotely, and lasts for as long as 16 years.