The Taking of Innocent Life
An informative video dispels the myths behind assisted suicide.
An informative video dispels the myths behind assisted suicide.
When Planned Parenthood’s nefarious practices are exposed, it pushes back.
The taking of an innocent life is egregious enough, but when certain babies are targeted because of their color, we see how broken our society has become.
Stakes are high for vulnerable due to pending implementation of new law.
As the year draws to a close, we reflect upon the past year and look ahead toward one that we know will bring hope, joy, and love.
New resource provides long-term solution to violence.
The removal of God from our vocabulary and from our lives reflects in our actions and our laws. This has become sickeningly obvious recently.
Whose life, courage and character has transformed America the most this year?
The threat to human beings has never been greater in California.
Several states have either passed or are near passing new laws that would effectively bar Planned Parenthood (sometimes by name) from receiving government money—including Medicaid reimbursements.
Though misinformation is frequently given about Planned Parenhood and its practices, we show you the truth.
It has now been five videos, but in reality it has been nearly 100 years, and still the beast that devours our preborn children and the souls of our living children prowls this earth.