More Closures!
Fervent prayers to Our Lady result in the closure of more Planned Parenthood facilities.
Fervent prayers to Our Lady result in the closure of more Planned Parenthood facilities.
The goal in fighting against Planned Parenthood has always been the same for us: “To cause such discontent with Planned Parenthood’s programs that it will have no choice but to close its doors and get out of town.”
Once more, we see another example of PP and its bullies doing everything in their power to silence those who care about the lives of preborn babies.
The state of California continues to persecute two innocent people for exposing PP’s nefarious actions.
California has an extremely special traveler making her presence known over the next two months.
Jennifer Roback Morse, PhD, founder and president of the Ruth Institute, brings a unique voice to discussions of love, marriage, sexuality, and the family.
On the Feast of the Holy Innocents, remember also the millions of babies lost because of abortion.
Does the impending administration have Planned Parenthood running scared?
Evidence abounds that the culture of death is seeping into all aspects of our society.
If passed, this new bill will protect Planned Parenthood from being held responsible for its nefarious practices.
The media in today’s society seems to have strayed from the truth to its own agenda. With each passing story, we see the detrimental effects of the words and the coverage thrown at us on a daily basis.
If Planned Parenthood were a patient (at least one they haven’t aborted), it could be diagnosed with one of many behavioral disorders.