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Pro-Life This Week August 2, 2024

Week in Review

ALL’s Charity Watchlist Update

Since November 2023, ALL’s Charity Watchlist has grown in number thanks to our many supporters who continue to ask where various charities stand on matters of life and family. Each month, ALL releases new updates on 501(c)(3) charities to the Watchlist and gives them a rating of green (supports pro-life values), yellow (caution due to uncertainty or unverified information), or red (supports offenses to life) to indicate where the organization stands on life issues. The Watchlist currently lists 151 nonprofit organizations, but unfortunately most fall into the red category due to their support of the culture of death.

As Christians, we are called to be good stewards with our resources and give generously to those most in need. However, it is getting increasingly difficult to find true charitable organizations that do not promote and participate in abortion, euthanasia, LGBTQ+ lifestyles, and human embryonic stem cell and fetal tissue research. While this is certainly discouraging, ALL is also always looking for good, life-affirming organizations to offer as alternatives. Some of these alternatives include:

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation: Supports children’s cancer research and provides support for families

American Heritage Girls: A Christian alternative to Girls Scouts of America

Give Send Go: Alternative to GoFundMe for crowdfunding and fundraising

Tunnel to Towers: Provides support to veterans and their families, as well as support to families of fallen first responders

If you want to know what your charitable giving is going toward and do not see the organization on our list, please contact us here and we will do the research, so you don’t have to.

Pete Buttigieg Says Abortion Makes Men ‘Free’

This week during a “White Dudes for Harris” campaign Zoom call, Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg spoke about abortion.

In front of 200,000 participants, Buttigieg stated that abortion will be the focal point of the Harris campaign.

“Men are also more free in a country where we have a president who stands up for things like access to abortion,” Buttigieg said. “Men are more free when the leader of the free world and the leader of this country supports access to birth control.”

More free to do what, exactly?

More free to abuse women and live a sexually promiscuous lifestyle.

We know that with access to abortion and contraception, rapists and sex traffickers are free to do as they please, while innocent women and babies pay the price.

Make no mistake, the Harris campaign is the most anti-life campaign this nation has ever seen. Harris has made it a priority to attack Catholics and pro-lifers time and time again. Take a look at her track record, which includes raiding pro-lifers’ homes and attacking the Knights of Columbus.

Catholics and pro-lifers alike need to band together to stand firm against Harris and her death cult.

ALL in the News

Hugh Brown spoke with LifeSiteNews this week about Kamala Harris and her extreme anti-Catholic motives. Read the article here.

Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program, wrote an op-ed uncovering the truth about IVF and abortion. The article was based on a new video from ALL’s creative content director Dwain Currier and was featured on LifeNews. She also wrote an article about a new docuseries called The Basement Talks. Addressing the importance of civil discourse, this eye-opening six-part series will change the way you talk to others. It was published by the Catholic World Report and republished by Mercator. To celebrate the release of two new CLSP lessons on his feast day, Susan also wrote an article about St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of

Pro-Life Education

Culture of Life Studies Program

St. Ignatius: Loving and Caring for the Whole Person: St. Ignatius had dreams of being a knight, living an exciting life, and fighting battles. But a terrible accident kept him bedridden for months. During that time, he read several books that changed his life. He realized that he had been living for worldly things rather than with the goal of spending eternity with God. From that moment on, he changed his life, and from his teachings, we get the Ignatian term cura personalis, which means “care for the whole person.” This lesson explores Ignatius’ life and how to apply the concept of cura personalis to our own lives. ORDER HERE

ALL’s Education Materials

St. Ignatius: Cura Personalis: In this two-day lesson, students will learn about the Ignatian concept of cura personalis—care for the whole person. The first class challenges students to care for themselves by caring for their whole person (heart, soul, mind, and body). The second class teaches students the importance of cura personalis toward others and debunks the lie of the “you do you” mentality. Through readings, discussion, and thought-provoking activities, students will come to understand the importance of caring for a person, both body and soul. SHOP NOW

Pro-Life Social Media

‘White Men for Kamala’: Killing Preborn Children Makes Men More ‘Free’

Pro-life advocates have always argued that the “freedom” exercised in killing a preborn child has never been exclusive to the mother. It awards fathers the freedom of never having to care for their own progeny and being forever associated with the mothers who gave birth to them. Abortion cuts the string that ties a father to the mother of his child.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg knows this. During an online fundraiser for Kamala Harris called “White Dudes for Harris,” Pete told viewers that “men are more free” in a country with unlimited access to preborn child killing.

If by freedom he means that men can have sex with women whenever they want as many times as they want without fear of being a father to a child, then Buttigieg is correct. No one is obligated to a dead baby. But Buttigieg’s perverted sense of freedom is just as distorted as his ideas about marriage and family.


The tweet continues:

However, can a map of life formulated by us, to the exclusion of the will of God, ever bring happiness and total fulfillment?

An earthly one, perhaps. But never an eternal one.