Week in Review – Will 2020 ever end?
It appears that everything just wants to hang around in 2020. Here it is in mid-November and the coronavirus is still affecting all of our activities. Masks and social distancing are still in place and, in many states, the government-mandated closing of businesses and churches are returning. Most states are returning to some semblance of “normal,” while Connecticut has the most draconian quarantine orders in place. As of this morning, Connecticut will only openly accept visitors from five other states—New Jersey, New York, Hawaii, Vermont, and Rhode Island. Visitors from any other state must quarantine for 14 days after arrival.
Of course, the pandemic was used as an excuse to close down all churches and religious gatherings in states across the country. Many churches were forced to stay closed even when restaurants and bars were allowed to open. This happened mainly in states and cities with pro-abortion governors and mayors. Give the child-killing bureaucrats a chance and they will demonstrate just how much they hate God.
Finally, there are several states, including Virginia, that are currently threatening to make a COVID-19 vaccine, when developed, mandatory for all state residents. While mandatory vaccinations seem un-American, especially since we don’t know if any approved vaccine will be developed from aborted fetal cell lines, at least one medical website points out that “In the 1905 landmark case Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the United States Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a state criminal law that required all adult inhabitants of Cambridge to get a smallpox vaccine or be fined. The Supreme Court explained that an individual’s liberty rights under the U.S. Constitution are not absolute and the mandatory vaccination law was necessary to promote public health and safety.” It will be very telling to see how our current Supreme Court would view these mandatory laws.
Government is simply out of control and the apparent results of this month’s elections are only going to make things worse—not only for those of us already born, but also for the preborn children of God. Ten days after the presidential elections, and we still do not know who won. While news media has declared Biden/Harris as the winners, in America it is the individual states that have to certify the winners in each state. With the current confusion and challenges, it could be another month before we know. Even then, there may be court challenges. We know now that Georgia has scheduled a run-off election for its two seats in the United States Senate. The result of that election will determine whether pro-aborts (Democrats) will control the Senate as well as the House.
It has been reported that the media-declared president-elect Joe Biden is already preparing executive orders to undo much of what President Trump did to protect preborn babies during his four years in office. Biden’s executive orders are expected to be released within 24 hours of his expected inauguration on January 20, 2021. If that happens, it will be truly a bad day for the babies.
With all of this going on, we must understand that, while these may be trying times, they are not hopeless times. This is a time when all of us who proclaim to be God-fearing people turn away from the news media and turn towards God. None of what we just described is set in stone. Things can happen. Things can change.
Let’s face it—the major problems we just described are what the United States of America deserves. Unfettered abortion has been allowed to continue in America for over 50 years—ever since Colorado became the first state to decriminalize abortion in 1967. Graphic and detailed sexuality indoctrination programs have been thriving in our schools largely unopposed by most parents. We just saw the voters in Washington refuse to stop one such program that is now mandated for the entire state in grades K-12! Our so-called entertainment industry is a disgrace. The amount of pornography we allow to be piped into our homes by Satan’s minions is an absolute affront to the legacy left us by our parents and grandparents.
People don’t know what to do because they truly don’t understand God anymore. Our ancestors knew the power of God. They turned to Him in times of trouble and He heard their prayers. Today, much of the population does not turn to God because, long ago, they abandoned God. But you are not one of them. Just by the fact that you receive this weekly newsletter and are reading these words demonstrates that you are not one of those who have abandoned God.
Because of that, God will not abandon you. Our Lord said to St. Catherine of Siena, “Daughter, think of me, and I will always think of you.”
Right now, we need to pray. But we need to pray as Jesus taught us to pray—with resignation to God’s will. As St. Alphonsus explained, “When we pray, our petitions should be, not that our wishes be done, but that God’s holy will should be fulfilled in us and by us.”
ALL in the News – ALL Officials Call Out USCCB for Anti-Catholic Actions
This week, in response to a statement from the USCCB congratulating media-declared president-elect Joe Biden as a Catholic, American Life League officials released a statement expressing deep concern over the actions taken by the USCCB. This statement was sent to a wide variety of media contacts, and was featured in a CNS News article. This statement was also published on ALL’s social media accounts, and received a resounding response from upset Catholic followers.
Every Friday afternoon, the American Life League social media team, Dwain Currier and Katie Brown, host the Friday Live Show on Instagram Live. Last week, the duo outlined five things pro-lifers should continue to do no matter who is elected into office as president. This week’s show will premiere this afternoon on American Life League’s Instagram account. Replays of the show can be found on Facebook.
This past Wednesday, American Life League vice president, Hugh Brown, was interviewed by political commentator and former presidential candidate Alan Keyes. The pair discussed the recent comments made by the USCCB condoning actions taken by Catholic-in-name-only Joe Biden. The full interview will appear on the show “Let’s Talk America with Alan Keyes”. Clips of the show can be found on ALL’s Facebook page.

Twice a week, Judie Brown’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s Tuesday commentary, Electing Christ, gave readers the much-needed reminder that no matter the election outcome, Christ is in control. Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.

Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death is a weekly talk-radio program on the Radio Maria USA network. The show can be heard live every Friday at noon (Eastern Time) and is repeated on Saturdays (10 PM).
Video of the Week – Keep Doing These Five Things
The elections have ended and pro-life advocates are left wondering what’s next. Katie and Dwain discuss the five things we can still do, no matter who wins the White House.
Action Item of the Week – It really is time for prayer in America
As we discussed in the Week in Review, now is the time for prayer in America—prayer for all the things that are going on. Of course, the basic prayer in Christianity is the prayer Jesus gave to us— “The Lord’s Prayer,” also known as “The Our Father.” In this prayer, Jesus specifically asks us to pray that God’s will be done: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”
In the 13th century, the Church was fighting against the Albigensian heresy. A priest, Dominic Guzman, was fighting against the heresy and was having little success. In 1208, he went into a forest near Toulouse, France, to pray, asking God to provide what he needed in order to overcome the Albigensian heresy. Tradition tells us that, after three days, the Mother of God—the Virgin Mary—spoke to Dominic. She told the priest that he must use the Rosary (a combination of the Our Father and the Hail Mary) in order to succeed in his struggle to overcome the heresy. He did so and was victorious.
The Rosary is often referred to as Mary’s weapon and has been used in numerous battles to bring victory to the Church. This very short video recounts some of those victories:
As we face these dark times in America, it is once again time to put the Rosary front and center in our battle plans.
American Life League has created the Marian Blue Wave to formally bring the Rosary into this struggle against abortion, Planned Parenthood, and the protection of Jesus in the Eucharist (Canon 915).
We encourage all of our readers, and all of your family and friends, to join the Marian Blue Wave and commit to saying one Rosary a week for the MBW intentions. Adding your name to the thousands who have already joined will demonstrate a growing commitment to ending the war on the preborn children of God.
You can join people from 31 different countries praying for an end to abortion, Planned Parenthood, and sacrilege in America. Sign-up here: https://marianbluewave.com/rosary
We look forward to welcoming you to the Marian Blue Wave.
Pro-life Social Media – Mankind has achieved fantastic engineering marvels.
Why can’t abortion leaders ever learn their lesson? What good will come out of a tweet celebrating the birth of babies if you’re the former president of the nation’s largest and racist abortion organization—Planned Parenthood?
Apparently former Planned Parenthood president @CecileRichards realized this tweet wasn’t a great look combined with her legacy of 3.8million+ abortions. pic.twitter.com/aGDabdLiQB
— Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) November 10, 2020
Why the deletion? It must have taken thousands of Twitter notifications to open Ms. Richards’ eyes to her lack of self-awareness.
Excited to do what with them? pic.twitter.com/CMqEpmD9gi
— Michael Knowles (@michaeljknowles) November 10, 2020
@CecileRichards Including the aborted ones too?
— HelicopterDogParent (@KangaCourt22) November 10, 2020
yikes pic.twitter.com/KYKHRozNK7
— Refleks83 (@Refleks83) November 10, 2020
I think @CecileRichards meant to say for the babies that “would have been named Kamala”.
— MATH0522 (@MATH_0522) November 10, 2020
Just think of the large % that could’ve been named anything…
— DONNEL JAMES (@DONNELJAMES3) November 10, 2020
Because of racist Planned Parenthood, millions will have neither a birthday nor a name.