Action Item of the Week – Participate in The National Men’s March to Abolish Abortion and Rally for Personhood on Saturday, October 7, in Washington, DC
There is a man connected to every abortion. Men are a big part of the problem. It’s time for men to become a big part of the solution and for all people of good will to stand up for the full federal protection of the preborn without exception.
MEN & SONS – gather at 11 AM outside of the Planned Parenthood killing center (1225 Fourth St. NE), where we will march roughly 1.5 miles to the US Supreme Court.
WOMEN & FAMILIES – meet us at 11:45 AM on the sidewalk outside of the Supreme Court to welcome the arrival of the March and join the Rally (1 First St. NE). National and local speakers will inspire all who attend. Following the rally outside the Supreme Court, we will also join in with the National Eucharistic Procession and National Rosary Rally to pray for the return of our nation to God and holiness.
Make your plans now, sign up for email updates, and get more information at
Week in Review – Florida County Stops Funding to Non-Profits with Ties to Planned Parenthood
A county in Florida passed a resolution to stop funding non-profits with ties to abortion violence.
On Tuesday of this week, Manatee County, FL, officials voted to pass a resolution stating that the county’s tax dollars will no longer fund non-profit organizations with a connection to Planned Parenthood or abortion services.
The resolution passed with a 6-1 vote. ABC7 reports the push for the vote was spurred by Commissioner James Satcher. In 2021, Satcher made efforts to make Manatee County a “sanctuary city” for the preborn.
Satcher then referred to the Lubbock, TX, law that made the Texas county the first sanctuary city for the preborn. The sanctuary city ordinance authorizes certain individuals to bring civil lawsuits against “any person or entity who commits” an abortion within city limits.
At the time, in 2021, Planned Parenthood cited concerns with the proposed law that would bar them from the city. Now, in 2023, Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida president Stephanie Fraim told ABC7 “Planned Parenthood will not be intimidated by these dangerous, dishonest policies. We will continue to offer our healthcare services to every resident of Manatee County no matter what.”
“Planned Parenthood calls this pro-life policy ‘Dangerous and dishonest’”, says ALL president Judie Brown. “Yet they are ones killing people and calling it choice!”
Hugh Brown, ALL executive vice president, was a guest on One America News Network’s show Tipping Point with Kara McKinney. The show premiered at 9 pm ET on Thursday night.
Last week, the Gutmacher Institute released new data showing the national increase in abortions. ALL spokespeople released a press statement calling for more help for expectant mothers. The release was picked up by Life News.
The Spring/Summer issue of Celebrate Life Magazine was recently distributed. One of the feature articles discusses a couple’s account of choosing life for their son who was not guaranteed to survive birth. Read the feature here.
Susan Ciancio, Celebrate Life Magazine editor and head of the Culture of Life Studies Program, writes weekly commentaries for each program on timely pro-life topics. This week, she wrote an op-ed about assisted suicide in New Jersey. It appeared as an exclusive on LifeSiteNews. Read it here. For CLSP, she discussed talking to kids about sin. You can read it here.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets, such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.
Pro-Life Social Media –VIDEO FLASHBACK: Forty Years in the Wilderness
When a Wisconsin judge ruled that a 174-year-old feticide law was irrelevant to mothers seeking abortion, Planned Parenthood celebrated. The abortion cartel announced that killing preborn children would resume in the state for the first time since the overturning of the Roe and Doe decisions. Are we surprised by the judge’s decision? No. Because, for 50 years, influential pro-life advocates have been fighting abortion through regulatory statutes rather than fighting for the baby’s rights as a human being. We talk more about the procedure of killing rather than the victim of the killing and his inherent human rights.
Thirteen years ago, ALL president Judie Brown spoke to a group of Colorado pro-life advocates. In her five-minute presentation, Judie explained how accustomed pro-lifers have become to the political language of “the abortion issue.”