Action Item of the Week – Tomorrow, September 9, National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children!
On September 9, pro-lifers everywhere will gather at local memorials and hold prayer vigils in honor of the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children.
The National Day of Remembrance website describes it thus:
By participating in the National Day of Remembrance, visiting these solemn memorial places at other times of the year, and spreading the word about this prayer campaign, you are helping to humanize our aborted brothers and sisters and deepening your own commitment to ending the injustice of abortion. The National Day of Remembrance also offers hope and healing to women who have had abortions and others who have been hurt by abortion.
Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, it is crucial that we continue to mourn the millions of lives lost to abortion, and repent of the national sin of abortion, even as we begin the project of extending legal protection to unborn children in every state we can.
To find a memorial or a prayer service near you, follow the website link here.
Week in Review – Guttmacher Institute Study Shows Massive Jump in Abortions Across State Lines
The Guttmacher Institute, a pro-abortion research group, released a Monthly Abortion Provision Study that shows, nearly across the board, abortion rates have skyrocketed.
This comes after previous data showed that the 30-year trend of abortions decreasing had ended. Abortions are on the rise across the United States.
The data from the Guttmacher Institute breaks down month-over-month abortion numbers by state, but only collects numbers reported by clinics, hospitals and doctors’ offices. The report does not allocate for what they call “sell-managed abortions.” Any abortions done via the abortion pill regimen do not get reported. Now we know that more than 52% of all abortions are done via the pill, so we can safely assume the numbers from the Guttmacher Institute are just a small glimpse into a horrifying reality.
In almost every state, abortions have increased. The data tracked the percentage of increase from 2020 to June 2023. Overall, of the 37 states for which they tracked numbers, the states saw an average increase of 40% in abortion.
Even though states with abortion regulations and so-called “bans” did perform abortions, the Guttmacher Institute did not track them for this report. They instead focused on states that bordered “pro-life” states and states with abortion laws in place.
Wyoming saw a 202% increase in abortion, Illinois saw a 69% increase, New Mexico saw a 220% increase, and Kansas saw a 114% increase, just to name a few.
These sobering numbers tell us one thing – abortion restrictions and regulations do not work. If a woman in a pro-life state wants to kill her baby, she will find a neighboring state to murder her baby for her, or she will order pills online and do it that way.
These numbers paint a bleak picture, one that proves even in a post-Roe America abortion is far from over.
But do not be discouraged. This is a battle that needs to be fought with spiritual weapons. Pray every day for an end to abortion! If you have not done so already, join the American Life League’s Marian Blue Wave program.
Abortion will continue to take away our little ones until we have a shift in our culture and bring Christ’s love back to the masses. Do not be discouraged!
On Thursday of this week, Hugh Brown, ALL executive vice president, was a guest on One America News Network’s show Tipping Point with Kara McKinney. The show premiered at 9pm ET on Thursday night
This week, American Life League named the new director of the STOPP Program, which serves as a watchdog on Planned Parenthood. Ed Martin, a long-time advocate for life and political powerhouse, joins ALL as STOPP’s new director.
The Spring Summer issue of Celebrate Life Magazine was recently published. One of the feature articles discusses caring for the elderly with love and compassion. Read the feature here.
Susan Ciancio, Celebrate Life Magazine editor and head of CLSP, writes a weekly commentary on timely pro-life topics. This week she wrote an op-ed entitled “Gretchen Whitmer encourages women to move to Michigan . . . so they can abort their babies.” The op-ed appeared as an exclusive on LifeSiteNews. Read it here.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets, such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.
Pro-Life Social Media – Are You Buying Catholics Gifts from Practicing Pagans?
Ever shop online for a sacred icon of your favorite saints? If so, you more than likely came across Monastery Icons. While its website looks like a company that is faithful to Catholic teaching, the organization behind Monastery Icons is anything but. We dug into the non-profit behind the store and present the evidence below in this short video.