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Pro-Life This Week September 6, 2024

Action Alert

You have been faithful supporters for many years, and we desperately need your help. Donations this summer have been drastically low. It is also an election year. Those two things have put ALL at serious risk.

We have had a shortfall of $80,000 over the last three months, and we are at risk of not covering payroll and our rent payment next week. As you know, the cost of everything has skyrocketed, and we depend on our supporters to help us save lives. 

We urgently need your help. If you can, please help us so we can continue to save the babies. 

Thank you, and please know how grateful we are for your support and for your love of the babies.


Week in Review

In the Office: ChatGPT Leads Young Pro-Lifer to ALL

By ALL national director Katie Brown 

I took an interesting phone call in our ALL office this week. 

A young 21-year-old mom called looking to see if ALL was one of the few organizations that spoke against the evils of IVF. To her delight, I was happy to tell her that yes, IVF is one of the anti-life evils that ALL speaks against and that we even create educational materials to help others see this evil. 

I directed her to one of our newly produced videos on IVF. Entitled IVF: The World’s Deadliest Industry, this video details how more babies are actually killed through IVF than abortion. The staggering statistics gathered by our own Dwain Currier have been featured in many articles throughout the summer and opened the eyes of many to the reality of the procedure.  

Thrilled to speak to a passionate pro-life young woman, I asked her where she had come across our information. 

Her answer? The AI search engine ChatGPT! That was an American Life League first! 

What followed was a 30-minute conversation leading this young mom to all our resources and a promise to aid her as she continues to fight for life in her community. 

I was reminded today that this is what it’s all about! We have an incredible group of donors and supporters who allow us to create material that can help change lives and help young people become empowered to change the lives around them! 

Sometimes I guess help can come from all avenues, even the likes of ChatGPT!

10 States Will Now Have Abortion on the Ballot in November; Marian Blue Wave Ramps Up Prayer Efforts

In July, Marian Blue Wave director Katie Brown invited prayer partners to join in a Summer Prayer Challenge, offering prayers for states faced with abortion ballot initiatives that seek to enshrine abortion into state constitutions. 

Just last week, we learned that an additional five states have added abortion ballot measures to their November ballots. There are now 10 states faced with these sweeping abortion ballot measures. This is the most in history. 

The response from MBW prayer partners has been overwhelming with support. This hits close to home for many, as many of our prayer partners are located in these states. 

In September, Katie asked prayer partners to pray for voters in Maryland, South Dakota, and Colorado.

In Maryland, Question 1, the Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment, would guarantee a right to reproductive freedom, including the ability to prevent, continue, or end one’s own pregnancy.

In South Dakota, Constitutional Amendment G, the Right to Abortion Initiative, would state that the government may only prohibit abortion after the end of the second trimester, except when necessary to preserve the life or physical or emotional health of the mother.

In Colorado, the Colorado Right to Abortion and Health Insurance Coverage Initiative would recognize the right to abortion and repeal a previous constitutional amendment that prohibited the use of state funds to provide abortion coverage.

There are still five states remaining on the prayer list for October and November. In the meantime, ALL will ramp up efforts to connect with parishes and existing grassroots organizations in these states in an attempt to supply them with information on these dangerous initiatives. 

It’s all hands on deck for defeating these evil abortion ballot initiatives. 

ALL in the New Abortion Facility in Virginia Named a ‘Sanctuary’ for Women 

Whole Woman’s Health, a national abortion company, recently announced that it opened a new facility in Petersburg, Virginia. In an interview with The Guardian, Whole Woman’s Health explained the “need” for abortion facilities in Virginia as pregnant women travel from abortion-restricted states to get an abortion. In a seemingly favorable and sympathetic view of the abortion organization, the author of The Guardian article even titles the initiative of Whole Woman’s Health as a “‘hopeful’ sanctuary for US south.” Any news of an abortion facility opening is disturbing and results in a loss of life. However, to name it as a “sanctuary” is beyond nonsensical. It is evil!

The article notes that there is also a connection with this organization to Planned Parenthood, as both organizations share medical director Dr. Meera Shah as a staff member and board member. Live Action News’ analysis pointed out that similarly to Planned Parenthood and its locations, both Shah and Whole Woman’s Health have a record of lawsuits for negligence of patients as well as for violating health and safety codes at its various locations

Virginia currently stands as the only southern US state with very few restrictions on getting an abortion, allowing abortion up through 26 weeks, 6 days gestation. For this reason, abortion groups have been able to continue to expand their deadly businesses within the state and serve as an abortion hub for women who live outside the state. Whole Woman’s Health discusses its challenges to open abortion facilities in states that have more restrictions on abortion. However, the organization is joyfully celebrating the new location in Petersburg as it hopes to “serve 30 to 50 patients a week.” That is, they are hoping to kill 30 to 50 innocent preborn children each week.

ALL in the News

Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program—ALL’s pre-K-12 pro-life education program—wrote an article featured on LifeNews this week about teaching the proper science behind a preborn baby’s development. She also wrote an article about the importance of pro-life education in the home.

ALL digital content director Dwain Currier conducted research on IVF and reported on it in a video, revealing that more babies die from the procedure than abortion. This video was featured in an article on Donald Trump’s support of the procedure. Read the LifeSiteNews article here.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of 

Pro-Life Education

Culture of Life Studies Program

Honoring the Blessed Mother: Celebrate Mary’s birthday this weekend! In this downloadable lesson, students in grades three and four learn the story of the Annunciation and Mary’s “yes” to God to become the mother of our Savior. As Christians, we understand that Mary played one of the most important roles in the history of our salvation as the mother of our Savior. As a pro-life people, we turn to Our Lady for her help as we work to build a culture of life. Mary’s “yes”—her “fiat” to God—reinforces the pro-life message in many ways. Through Mary’s example, we learn how to love, affirm, and respect every human being as a gift during every stage of life. ORDER HERE

ALL’s Education Materials

The Broken Path: Renowned pro-life leader Judie Brown was appointed to the Pontifical Academy for Life twice by Pope John Paul II and again by Pope Benedict XVI. In this book, Brown addresses both the political intrigue in the hierarchy of America’s Catholic Church and the challenges faced by modern Catholics in this great nation. Judie Brown shows each of us how we can have a positive impact for the glory of God and the integrity of the Catholic Church. SHOP NOW

Pro-Life Social Media

Pretend Preacher Says Jesus Would Bless Abortionists

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus warns, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15, NRSVCE). These false prophets claim to be practicing Christians, but they deceive their followers with an anti-gospel message.

Rebecca Todd Peters is one of these wolves. Wearing an amice and stole, Peters self-identifies as a Christian preacher of the Presbyterian Church (USA) but espouses a message more in line with Satan the deceiver. Put down any food or beverages before viewing, lest you choke on what you’re about to hear:

The full quote: 

“If Jesus were here today, He would be a clinic escort distracting women from the hatred of protesters. Or an abortion doula, holding women’s hands and offering support and love as they end their pregnancies. If Jesus were giving his sermon today, he might also have said, ‘Blessed are those who end pregnancies.’”

Abortion advocates try to corner pro-life apologists with, “Why would God create a child He knew would be aborted?” That’s like asking why God would create a fruit knowing Adam and Eve would disobey? Women like Rebecca Todd Peters haven’t given a single thought as to why they would reject a gift that God has given them. Do they presume to know better than the Lord? 

What was it Jesus taught? It is better that a millstone be hung about a man’s neck and he be cast into the sea than to offend one of these little ones? 

Peters and others like her will continue with false teachings. As sad as these individuals are, they are unmatched by the shepherds of His true Church who fail to rebuke such teachings when they are taught within the bounds of their dioceses.