Week in Review
Marian Blue Wave Asks for Your Prayers as 10 States Now Have Abortion Measures on the Ballot
Ten states have now approved measures on their ballots that would enshrine abortion into law within those states. At the beginning of July, Marian Blue Wave asked members to pray each month through November for the states that approved abortion measures. So far, MBW has prayed for New York and Florida voters to reject these measures. But our work is far from over, with additional states added to the list to pray for each month. The other states facing pro-abortion ballot measures and the measures themselves are listed and linked below:
Voters in each of these states are facing the decision to allow or reject the evil of murdering innocent babies prior to birth. We ask that you join our Marian Blue Wave Summer Prayer Challenge and pray that the citizens in each of these states will vote against abortion. The response to this challenge has been an overwhelming success, with hundreds of people pledging their steadfast prayers for the citizens of these states. Please invite others to join us in prayer.
If you want to receive updates on the next states that we will be praying for in September, click here.
ALL’s Charity Watchlist Continues to Provide Donors with the Information They Need Regarding the Nonprofits They Support
Since the Charity Watchlist’s resurgence last fall, American Life League has researched around 150 nonprofit charities to inform donors about exactly where and what their money is going to. Unfortunately, too many of the charities we all know and have supported are also supporting things that go directly against our Christian and moral beliefs, including abortion, IVF, promoting LGBTQ+ lifestyles, and human embryonic stem cell research.
Using our red (not worthy of support for anti-life stances), yellow (not enough is known about its position on the life issues), and green (worthy of support from pro-lifers) system to rate these organizations, the Charity Watchlist has been a continued source of helpful information to many pro-lifers.
A recent supporter of ALL told us, “I would like to increase my monthly contribution per month. This decision is in large part to ALL’s Charity Watchlist, which I think is a valuable resource.”
We are grateful for all the support, prayers, and suggestions we have received within the past year. If you have a charity that you would like to know more about to see where it stands on life issues, please contact us here.
ALL in the News
Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program—ALL’s pre-K-12 pro-life education program—wrote a blog for CLSP entitled “4 Important Responsibilities of Catholic Parents.” Read the blog here.
Susan also wrote an article entitled “Pro-Abortion Voices Keep Winning Because They’re the Ones Shouting Louder.” The article was featured in LifeSiteNews.
Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of ALL.org.
Pro-Life Education
Culture of Life Studies Program
Should a Catholic vote for a candidate who supports abortion but who wants to help the homeless? Should a concerned pro-lifer vote for a candidate who is against abortion but who supports human embryonic stem cell research? Pro-Life Citizenship shows high school students the importance of political action and helps students understand their role in government, even when they have not yet reached voting age. In this lesson packet, students learn about what it takes to form their moral conscience and how the moral conscience plays an integral role in helping voters carry out their civic duty. ORDER HERE
ALL’s Education Materials
The Memorare is an incredibly special and powerful prayer to our Blessed Mother. With the anger, violence, and disregard for human beings so prevalent in society today, we need Mary’s help. Order this beautiful prayer card to keep in your wallet or hand out to friends; you can even leave a stack in the back of your church. SHOP NOW
Pro-Life Social Media
Planned Parenthood Slammed for Siding with Hamas Terrorists
It should be no surprise that an organization founded by a white supremacist whose publication included material from Nazi sympathizers would take the side of Middle Eastern terrorists. Ignoring the catastrophic events of October 7, Planned Parenthood announced a divestment strategy from companies with ties to Israel:
(1/2) We are proud to announce a new “weapons exclusion” in our investment portfolio, so there is no longer the potential to earn interest from companies that profit from violence and war, such as the devastating loss of life and sexual & gender-based violence happening in Gaza. pic.twitter.com/NbgZNPa91b
— Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (@ppnnehealth) August 23, 2024
(2/2) We encourage our supporters to join us and to follow @ippf for updates on global issues.
— Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (@ppnnehealth) August 23, 2024
By “weapons exclusion,” PP means Jewish exclusion.
No amount of killing by Islamic terrorists can match the body count of Planned Parenthood. It would take a nuclear holocaust to catch up to the 10 million lives taken by the nation’s largest abortion store. If Hamas had a “healthcare” provider, it would most certainly be Planned Parenthood.
I’m sorry, I must have missed your comments on the gender-based violence against Israeli women and hostages
— Ofra Haza Stan Account (@anaraintuitive) August 24, 2024
If you support Planned Parenthood, you stand for women’s reproductive rights and the eradication of Jews.
— Alan Rosca (@alanrosca) August 24, 2024
Ignoring sexual violence against Israeli women exposes your antisemitism.
— Ron S. Friedman (@RonSFriedman) August 24, 2024
Antisemitism has no place in financial decision making.
I hope your portfolio tanks.
This is a huge mistake. No mention of 10/7? Sit this out.
— karen (@klsmd12) August 24, 2024
Whoever proposed this stupid idea that has nothing to do with your mission, needs to get fired.
— H3rnan Arber (@HernanArber) August 24, 2024
Interestingly, Planned Parenthood restricted comments so that only the user accounts that Planned Parenthood follows can reply.

Was it their intentional burning of babies alive that made you want to support Hamas?
— Richard Klagsbrun (@anunsafespace) August 24, 2024
I live in Northern New England. I have donated money to you in the past. You will never get another penny from me.
— ♀️Jennifer Gingrich ✡️ (@fem_mb) August 24, 2024
Not even a mention of the gender-based rapes of Jewish women by Palestinian terrorists on 10/7? No mention of the Jewish men, women and children shot in the face by… pic.twitter.com/FEZMGYXmhz
The post continues:
No mention of the Jewish men, women and children shot in the face by them, or the Jews they’re still holding hostage nearly a year later? You anti-Semitic scumbags. You hold Israel to a standard you would never hold any other country that has had nearly 1,500 of its citizens raped, kidnapped and massacred to. You are not progressive. You just hate Jews.
So you've decided to alienate moderates on the issue of abortion in order to demonize Israel? You deserve the drop in donations that will surely follow. Don't expect most Jews to stand for you anymore, since you don't stand for us.
— Adina The Harpy (@AdinaTheHarpy) August 24, 2024
We’ll give this X user the last word:
All you do is profit from violence and murder. Shut up.
— Calamity Jen (@realjenx) August 25, 2024