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Pro-Life This Week August 23, 2024

Action Alert

Ask Schools to Say ‘NO’ to Perverted Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is now targeting deaf children in schools as it strives to reach more people to infect with its perversion. STOPP will begin sending letters to each of these schools and will ask them to not accept Planned Parenthood’s perverted sex education program. STOPP has included a list of the schools for the deaf here, and we are asking for your help as well to write and ask them to say NO to Planned Parenthood’s sex education program for middle and high school students. Let’s beat Planned Parenthood to the chase and inform these schools why their students do not need Planned Parenthood’s disastrous “education.”

Please download this letter template to write your own letters to these schools.

Week in Review

Planned Parenthood Part of ‘Bloody Wedding’ at DNC

America’s taxpayer-funded abortion giant, Planned Parenthood, has joined itself to the Democratic party in a “bloody wedding” of “intrinsic evil,” according to American Life League. STOPP, the organization’s Planned Parenthood watchdog group, released a statement in response to an announcement by Planned Parenthood Great Rivers of St. Louis saying that they sent a bus to Chicago to provide free chemical abortions, vasectomies, and contraceptives outside of the Democratic National Convention.  

“Planned Parenthood has long been the driving force behind the culture of death,” stated Judie Brown, president of American Life League. “The Democratic party has been at the forefront of fueling the Planned Parenthood engine. Now that PP has chosen to provide free child killing at the DNC, the combination, or should we say bloody wedding, is complete. Let buyers beware lest they too become part of the national bloodbath. America is awash in the carnage.” 

As the only international organization solely dedicated to putting Planned Parenthood out of business, STOPP reports regularly on the finances and inner workings of America’s largest abortion vendor.  

“Classified as a nonprofit, Planned Parenthood raked in nearly $1 billion in taxpayer funding in the last year, proving to the American public that their hard-earned money funds projects like free abortions at the DNC,” stated Katie Brown, American Life League’s national director.  

“In STOPP’s 2023 report on the salaries of PP CEOs, Planned Parenthood Great Rivers (formerly named Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri), which is the PP affiliate giving out the free DNC abortions, was in the top 25 for the abortion peddler’s highest-paid CEOs. The Great Rivers CEO took in an incredible $327,733 for working at the so called ‘nonprofit,’” Katie Brown reported.  

“By placing a kill-your-baby-here bus outside the DNC, Planned Parenthood is telling us exactly who they are. They want more of our tax dollars to do what they do best—abortions,” explained Brown. “And they are making sure their buddies in the Democratic party see their display in hopes that they will continue to receive a $1 billion dollar bonus check from taxpayers, all for killing future taxpayers.”  

American Life League executive vice president Hugh Brown added, “Planned Parenthood and the Democratic party hate children and despise life. Offering free medication abortions, emergency contraception, and vasectomies at the Democratic National Convention is an act of intrinsic evil and is rooted in a ferocious hatred for human life, especially babies. American Life League encourages people of all faiths to pray for the conversion of the hearts and minds of those entrenched and enslaved in the culture of death. And pray that the Lord allows humility, wisdom, and understanding for those lost souls perpetrating these atrocities, who need to be freed from the bondage of sin and death.”

How Low Can Planned Parenthood Go? The Abortion Giant’s Latest Sex Ed Tactic Targets Deaf Middle and High School Students

Planned Parenthood of Delaware announced that it has created a four-part sex education video series using American Sign Language to distribute to deaf middle and high school students across the country.

Delaware Public Media reported that PPDE’s videos include the topics such as “consent, body image, birth control, STIs and identity.” STOPP watched all four videos on YouTube and confirmed that the content is filled with explicit language referencing sex, promoting all methods of contraception to avoid pregnancy, and a heavy emphasis on transgenderism and other LGBTQ+ lifestyles for the five deaf high school juniors depicted in the video.

Two of the young women in the videos act as a lesbian couple, while another woman identifies as a transgender man. These videos present explicit conversations among the students while they sign using ASL, with one student even recommending to a male student in the video that he can go to Planned Parenthood to get his condoms for “free” so that he can have sex with a girl he likes.

Planned Parenthood’s vulgar indoctrination emphasizes meaningless/casual sex, viewing pregnancy as a problem and transgenderism as a “good” lifestyle. While we know none of this is new for the abortion organization, targeting young deaf pre-teens and teens with its perverted propaganda is another level of low for Planned Parenthood. PPDE’s disabilities program coordinator Quinn Vermillion even admitted that PPDE is hoping to get these videos into all the deaf schools throughout the country:

So the videos just launched last month, and now it’s summer, so in the fall, hopefully this will really take off. We are also going to be putting a lot of effort into reaching out to different deaf schools across the U.S. right now, in this summer period before the next school year starts and again at the beginning of the school year to make sure that people know about it. There are roughly 85 deaf schools in the country, and we’re going to be trying to reach out to all of them.

ALL in the News

ALL’s press release on the Planned Parenthood abortion bus at the DNC made its way into several stories of note this week, including Breitbart and the Daily Wire. Other outlets include LifeNews and The Lion.

In a popular video, ALL’s digital content director, Dwain Currier, discussed IVF, revealing that more babies die from the procedure than from abortion. News of this video made its way into a LifeSiteNews article this week.

Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program—ALL’s pro-life education program for students in pre-K-12th grade—wrote an article about Mary’s queenship and motherhood in celebration of the feast day on Thursday. You can read it on the Catholic World Report’s site. She also wrote a blog about the importance of pro-life education and how lessons from the Culture of Life Studies Program can be easily used at home or in schools. 

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of 

Pro-Life Education

Culture of Life Studies Program

Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? This seminar version of our Margaret Sanger lesson is great for CCE classrooms, youth groups, and homes. Teach your teens the truth about the founder of Planned Parenthood. Over the course of three videos, your students will learn about the conditions in society that led to Sanger’s campaign for birth control, her twisted ideas of birth control as a method of creating a “better breed” of humanity, and the impact of her ideas on society. ORDER HERE

ALL’s Education Materials

Planned Parenthood Exploits Teens: This brochure explains the lies repeatedly told by PP and its supporters in order to increase its revenue. It is imperative that teens understand the truth about PP’s selfish and hedonistic motives and the reasons why they should not believe these lies. SHOP NOW

Pro-Life Social Media

Video: Let’s Not Forget Who’s Important This Election Season

With party conventions and campaign season in full swing, it’s easy to get swallowed in politics and the cult of personality. The economy, illegal immigration, and out-of-control inflation are on everyone’s mind this election year. Despite all the campaign promises to either regulate the killing or push to codify it as a nationwide right, it’s important to take a moment from all the distractions and consider who is most vulnerable. Politicians like to talk about abortion—either for or against—but they never talk about the baby.   

An American Life League supporter asked us to help them remind others that the newly created child isn’t a political issue. That child is created in God’s image and likeness. See the beauty of the baby in this short video.