Week in Review – The facts about Planned Parenthood and Title X
Title X and Planned Parenthood: Is Planned Parenthood leaving the program or being kicked out? Well, it depends on whom you ask. Planned Parenthood has a lawsuit trying to get the courts to delay next week’s deadline for it complying with the new Title X Protect Life rules. The Washington Post article from this past Wednesday actually tells the whole story. Here are the pertinent excerpts:
“In a letter to United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Planned Parenthood attorneys said its affiliates had planned to refuse federal funds—but not drop out of the program … But Health and Human Services officials recently required all participants in the program, known as Title X, to sign a pledge by Aug. 19, saying they would make a ‘good faith’ effort to comply with the rule. HHS Deputy Assistant Secretary Diane Foley said Planned Parenthood’s proposal to remain in the program without doing that is ‘inconsistent’ … Planned Parenthood attorney Alan E. Schoenfeld (then) wrote that as a result and with ‘deep regret,’ the grantees ‘now have no option but to withdraw from the Title X program.’”
So, Planned Parenthood will say it withdrew from the program. The government will say Planned Parenthood was disqualified because it wouldn’t follow the rules. The net result, as long as the court doesn’t do something stupid, is that, effective August 19, 2019, Planned Parenthood will be out of the Title X program and will lose about $60 million in taxpayer money. That’s a good thing.
The impact of Planned Parenthood’s departure is another fact that is hard to pin down:
- The government says Title X is a $287 million program. If Planned Parenthood got $60 million, that’s about 21 percent of the program funding.
- The government says there are about 4,000 clinics that receive Title X funding.
- Both Planned Parenthood and the government agree that Planned Parenthood operates only 400 (10 percent) of those Title X clinics.
- The government says that Title X serves about 4.0 million people. Planned Parenthood claims it serves 40 percent (1.6 million) of those people.
On the surface, Planned Parenthood’s claim of serving 40 percent of the people while operating 10 percent of the clinics and receiving just 21 percent of the funding does not ring true. It may be possible that the 40 percent was calculated by the same number crunchers that insist abortion is only three percent of Planned Parenthood’s services.
More importantly, the Kaiser Family Foundation looked at the facts of what percentage of Title X clinics are either run by Planned Parenthood or other abortion providers. KFF shows that 16 states do not have a single Title X clinic that is run by PP. In another 11 states, less than 10 percent of the Title X clinics are run by PP. That’s a majority (27) of the states where Planned Parenthood’s exit from the Title X program will have zero, or very small, impact. The only states to see a major impact from Planned Parenthood’s departure will be Alaska, Vermont, and Utah—states that have allowed PP to dominate the Title X industry.

ALL in the News – ALL Statistics Provide Hard Facts; Judie’s Commentary Makes its Rounds
This week, American Life League was cited for abortion statistics in an article from The Wanderer Press. The article, A Leaven In The World… Thou Shalt Not Kill, discusses the root cause of America’s mass shootings.
Judie’s weekly commentaries continue to be featured as a column on RenewAmerica.com. This week, her Tuesday commentary, Barbarism or civility? America must choose, appeared on the site’s front page.
Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death is a weekly talk-radio program on the Radio Maria USA network. The show can be heard live every Friday at noon (Eastern Time) and is repeated on Saturdays (10 PM).
Video of the Week – Sex Education is Harmful to Children
Classroom sex education is explicit in the material it presents to children. What effect does that have on a child’s mental well-being?
The problem with classroom sex education is that it ignores the impact on the mental well-being of the child. Not all children mature at the same age. So, how can a one-size-fits-all curriculum be expected to educate without consequences?
Action Item of the Week – Special discount on UNPLANNED—DVD and Blue Ray
You have the opportunity to purchase, at a discounted price, the movie UNPLANNED just released on DVD and Blue Ray discs for use in your own home or to show to your group or community.
UNPLANNED tells the story of a Planned Parenthood clinic director, Abby Johnson, and her journey from a Planned Parenthood affiliate’s Employee of the Year to a pro-life activist and leader.
The offer for the DVD/Blue Ray discs is being made by the Right to Life League of Southern California who helped produce and promote this powerful pro-life movie that everyone should be sure to see and share with family and friends.
We know that having your own copy of this powerful pro-life film will inspire you! Host a viewing party at your home, lend it to a friend, or buy multiple copies to give as gifts. And then share the impact the film is having in your own life!
By using that link, you will be able to purchase the movie at a significant discount. You will receive a $12 discount off the retail price of a DVD disc and a $17 discount off the retail price of a Blue Ray disc. Be sure to enter the code “RTLLSC” on the checkout form at the spot where it asks for a PARTNER CODE.
This is a great opportunity to own your own copy of this historic film and to share it with family and friends.
Pro-life Social Media – Harvard Professor Links Opposition to Abortion with White Supremacy
“White supremacists oppose abortion”; Harvard professor claims to know why white people support the abolition of abortion.
The largest perpetrator of violence in this country denounced the violence that happened last weekend.
The abandonment of logic and reason is a key characteristic of the abortion advocate. Abortion is “care,” defunding Planned Parenthood is a “war on women,” and babies waiting to be born are “choices.” Now, if you oppose abortion, you’re on the same side as white supremacists.
Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe:
White Supremacists oppose abortion because they fear it’ll reduce the number of white infants and thus contribute to what they fear as non-white “replacement.” Never underestimate the way these issues and agendas are linked. This turns “intersectionality” on its head.
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) August 11, 2019
If preventing the death of white infants was a tactic of racists, why aren’t the white supremacists overcrowding the maternity wards hoping to saturate the populace? If white power is the goal, then the supremacist naturally favors abortion for people other than white. Thus, by virtue of his racism, he is pro-abortion.
Laurence Tribe is on the faculty of the most prestigious university in America. That epitomizes our university system perfectly. https://t.co/xtkjWlBmPb
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) August 11, 2019
I wonder where/how he collected this data. I’d like to know how he got so many white supremacists to admit such. He is stating this as fact so I’m assuming it’s based on actual research, and it’s not just some garbage take.
— Some girl on the Internet🌺 (@LynnWilson222) August 11, 2019
Oh, Harvard, you really turn them out.