Action Item of the Week – New CLSP Lesson on Unconditional Love and Respect out Now!
ALL’s Culture of Life Studies Program has debuted its newest lesson, “Unconditional Love and Respect for Everyone: St. John Bosco.”
In this lesson, students will learn about the life of St. John Bosco and how he created a home and school for young boys who had nowhere to go and no one to care for them. Through stories about his lessons and his life, students will learn to reflect on potential prejudices they have toward certain people based on their appearances, behaviors, or financial status. They will be challenged to think about how their own choices can have a lasting positive impact when they treat all people with respect.
Use this lesson in a religion class. Recommended for middle school and older.
Your purchase of this 16-page digital download includes:
- Overview of St. John Bosco’s life
- Lecture notes about the importance of caring for those who feel unwanted, unloved, or disregarded
- A-Z Game; optional activity/writing instructions
Find the NEW lesson linked here!
Week in Review – Catholic College Unapologetically Pays for Students’ Abortions and Transgender Services
A recent article from College Fix exposes Catholic college, the University of San Diego, for covering abortions in its student health care plan, despite no clear mandate for them to do so.
According to the Fix, University of San Diego is citing both federal and state laws that mandate they cover student abortions yet were unable to cite the actual laws to which they were referring. Further, there is a federal court ruling and settlement that would allow a Catholic school to opt out of any such California law, but the university did not acknowledge this.
The university’s health plan covers students’ abortions and transgender services, both of which are considered illicit by the Catholic Church.
The university is under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of San Diego, headed by Cardinal Robert McElroy. In an email to the Fix, a diocesan spokesperson declined to make a comment on the university’s health plan.
Cardinal McElroy has been silent on the matter, even though it is well within his role as bishop of the diocese to keep Catholic universities, schools, and churches alike in line with Church teaching.
The Fix even cites Canon Law, specifically Canon 810, as proof McElroy has a duty to speak on such matters.
Those comments appear to be in conflict with the Code of Canon Law, which governs the Catholic Church. Canon 810 specifies that bishops “have the duty and right of being watchful so that the principles of Catholic doctrine are observed faithfully in [Catholic] universities.”
It is up to the cardinal to demand action to correct these egregious wrongs by the University of San Diego, a Catholic educational institution.
Susan Ciancio, Celebrate Life Magazine editor and head of CLSP, was asked to write an exclusive for Catholic World Report on the impending ballot measure in Ohio set to place abortion before Ohioans. The article was published this week and can be found here.
Ciancio also writes a weekly commentary on timely pro-life topics. This week she wrote an op-ed entitled “Abortion has darkened the mind to all manner of violence against children.” The op-ed appeared as an exclusive on LifeSiteNews. Read it here.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets, such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.
Pro-Life Social Media – Poll: Most Americans are Pro-Abortion
An Associated Press/NORC poll shows Americans are pretty much okay with killing preborn children so long as they are in the first trimester. This trend hasn’t changed, and yet pro-life influencers sometimes mislead their followers into thinking the movement is making progress. Polling shows otherwise.
So why has there been little change in attitudes toward the destruction of nascent human life? Because the movement, itself, doesn’t take the killing seriously.