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Pro-Life This Week July 19, 2024

Week in Review

US Army Labels Pro-Life Organizations ‘Terrorist Groups’

The US Army has been the subject of rightful scrutiny this week, following an outrageous presentation at Fort Liberty Army base, which labeled pro-life organizations and pro-lifers as “terrorist groups.”

A leaked photo of the presentation slide revealed that an anti-terrorism training session at Fort Liberty dedicated an entire slide to “Terrorist Groups,” which featured the organization logos for both National Right to Life and Operation Rescue. In addition to specifically calling out these groups, the slide featured a picture of a New York “Choose Life” license plate and listed the following bullet points on the “possibly dangerous” strategies of pro-lifers:

  • ANTI-ABORTION (Right to Life and Operation Rescue)
  • Pro-Life
  • Oppose Row [sic] v. Wade
    • Types of Advocacy [sic]
      • Demonstrations and Protest
      • Mass Demonstrations
      • Life Chain
      • The Rescue
      • The Truth Display
      • Picketing
    • Counseling
      • Sidewalk
      • Crisis Cener
    • License Plates

While the final three bullet points cannot be clearly read from the photo, the text for the final two points shows “Bombings of Clinics” and “Attempted Murders” as synonymous to the pro-life movement’s works. 

Therefore, this presentation claims that any display and efforts to encourage women to choose life for their babies should be treated as severely as threats against the safety of civilians in our country. 

According to a spokesperson from Fort Liberty Garrison Public Affairs office, the slides “were not vetted by the appropriate approval authorities, and do not reflect the views of the XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Liberty, the U.S. Army or the Department of Defense. . . . The slides were developed by a local garrison employee to train Soldiers manning access control points at Fort Liberty. . . . These slides will no longer be used, and all future training products will be reviewed to ensure they align with the current DoD anti-terrorism guidance.” 

However, the disgraceful and libelous presentation doesn’t end with this unapologetic statement from Fort Liberty. Catholic News Agency reported this week that more than 100 Senate and House Republicans are demanding answers from Army personnel about this training session. Another letter signed by 87 House and Senate members is also asking for answers from the US Army by the end of July 29 regarding its policies and procedures. Both leaders of the two pro-life organizations mentioned above have spoken out as well against the political witch hunt against pro-lifers by the Biden administration, which has unfortunately infiltrated the US Armed Forces with its more recent pro-abortion policies and agendas.As we commend these House and Senate leaders for acting in defense of the pro-life movement against the slander and lies, let us continue to pray for the conversion of our nation and its leaders, for the protection of all preborn children and their mothers from the culture of death, and for strength, truth, and courage to prevail through the efforts and works of the pro-life movement.

ALL in the News

Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program, wrote an op-ed regarding a new film to be released about the life of Blessed Carlo Acutis. The article was featured by Catholic World Report. Susan also wrote a blog for CLSP entitled “Voting with a Pro-Life Conscience.” Read the blog here.

Last week, Hugh Brown spoke with LifeSiteNews about now vice-presidential Republican candidate Catholic JD Vance’s “betrayal of faith” on his support for the abortion pill. Read the article here.

Hugh also appeared as a guest on Relevant Radio’s Trending with Timmerie last week to discuss ways that we can empower fathers to live out their vocation by stepping up to protect and support their families. Listen to the show here!

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of

Pro-Life Education

Culture of Life Studies Program

Pro-Life Citizenship shows high school students the importance of political action and helps students understand their role in government, even when they have not yet reached voting age. In this lesson packet, students learn about what it takes to form their moral conscience and how the moral conscience plays an integral role in helping voters carry out their civic duty. Parents, teachers, and home educators alike will appreciate the depth and scope of this lesson as it prepares high school students to embrace their duty as American citizens and as pro-lifers. On sale now for just $3! ORDER HERE

ALL’s Education Materials

The current approach to pronouncement of death allows the needless risk of sacrificing one patient’s life to benefit another. The technical explanation in this shareable brochure explores the link between brain death criteria and organ donation. This is a must read for all people, as we must protect ourselves and our loved ones from doctors too anxious to lead patients to an untimely death. SHOP NOW

Pro-Life Social Media

Empowering Dads to Be Godly Fathers

“Fatherhood is a vocation. It’s a holy order, so to speak. And we’ve got to treat it that way,” says Hugh Brown, executive vice president of ALL.  

Men can’t fulfill their vocations alone, as much as the secular world suggests.   They’re bombarded with pornography and immodesty. Fighting these forces of darkness requires a spiritual plan. It might include spending the first 30 minutes of the morning alone with the Lord or a routine of daily Mass. So, what advice does Hugh Brown have for men and fathers? Hugh joins Timmerie to discuss: