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Pro-Life This Week July 12, 2024

Week in Review

Charity Watchlist Update: The Hunger Project Fights Hunger with Contraceptives?

Recently, a concerned supporter asked ALL to investigate the 501(c)(3) charity The Hunger Project to determine if it is involved with any anti-life agendas or activities. At first glance, the organization boasts of its commendable goal to end world hunger by working primarily in Africa, South Asia, and Latin America. However, as we looked more into how The Hunger Project attempts to achieve this goal, we found that the organization is rooted heavily in pro-contraceptive and population control ideologies and strategies.

The Hunger Project began in 1977 with the primary goal of eradicating world hunger in 25 years. Over the decades, however, the charity has become more involved with advocacy and education rather than with directly providing food to the poor, leading the project further from its initial goal and into more social objectives. As a result of The Hunger Project’s strategy shift, ALL discovered that the nonprofit has been providing condoms and other contraceptives to women within these developing countries as part of its “health” and “education” programs.

The first instance of this can be seen under the “health” portion of its website. The Hunger Project says that it does “distribute female condoms” as a part of its health initiative: “We inform women in Malawi to take control of their sexual and reproductive health with the distribution of female condoms at epicenter health centers.” The Hunger Project UK’s website states with pride that, “since 2004, the Hunger Project Malawi has distributed female condoms from health clinics in the epicenters, and conducts community sensitisation sessions to educate partners on female condom use.” 

The Hunger Project has also posted its support for “sexual and reproductive health rights” on its social media pages. This includes a post on “Access Ends Hunger,” which claims that hunger increases due to lack of modern contraception means, and a Facebook video The Hunger Project posted to promote its “training of health workers on the removal and insertion of birth control implants” in Ghana. 

One of the most disturbing findings is this organization’s promotion of contraceptives, as discussed in its featured story of one of its leaders in Uganda during COVID-19. According to the article, while people were staying in their homes during the pandemic, The Hunger Project’s leader in Uganda began a network of women who traveled door-to-door to distribute oral contraceptive pills to women. 

While the people in these countries remain in severe need of food and clean water, The Hunger Project is spending money and resources on contraception as a “solution” to poverty and hunger.

Due to these findings, ALL has listed this charity in the red category of our watchlist. Organizations that diminish and disrupt the goodness of family life by advocating contraception do not deserve our support. To view more information on The Hunger Project, please visit our website and share these findings with others.

Marian Blue Wave Receives Hopeful Response to ‘Pray for Florida’ 

At the start of July, Marian Blue Wave director Katie Brown invited10,000+ prayer partners to join her in a Summer Prayer Challenge.

Starting with Florida, MBW members are praying for individual states faced with ballot measures that seek to enshrine abortion into their state constitution this November. 

Florida Amendment 4, The Right to Abortion Initiative, seeks to “provide a constitutional right to abortion before fetal viability (estimated to be around 24 weeks) or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.

The response has been an overwhelming success, with hundreds of people pledging their prayers for the citizens of Florida. 

This particular prayer intention hits close to home for many of us. We all witnessed the devastating loss in Ohio last year and know that these ballot measures are priority number one for Planned Parenthood. The harsh reality is that pro-lifers are outspent 11 to 1 on state politics in ads and door-to-door advocacy. But remember, these ballot measures are NOT political in nature. They are evil cleverly disgusted as “women’s healthcare” with the ultimate goal of more dead babies. 

If you haven’t done so already, join us in prayer for the people of Florida to vote against baby killing, and invite others to join us!

The other states faced with these ballot measures are:

  • Maryland
  • South Dakota
  • Colorado
  • New York

We will make each of these states a monthly intention throughout the summer and fall months. 

Join us and pray for Florida!  

ALL in the News

Hugh Brown was a recent guest on Relevant Radio’s Trending with Timmerie to discuss ways that we can empower fathers in this day and age and to foster the return of fathers who protect, support, provide, and discipline their children so that they can become good and hard-working members of society. Listen to the show here!

Hugh spoke with LifeSiteNews this week in regard to Republican Catholic JD Vance’s “betrayal of faith” on his support for the abortion pill. Read the article here.

LSN covered a story exposing a pharmaceutical company linked to Pfizer that spent $10,000 to sponsor an LGBT event through the Chicago Public School system. Hugh commented on the story citing it as an example of why parents should take their children out of public schools. Read the article here.

Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program—a pre-K-12 education program for homes and schools—wrote an op-ed entitled “Babies Lost to Abortion and the Precious Blood of Christ.” The article was featured by the Catholic World Report. She also wrote a blog for CLSP in advance of the Feast of St. Teresa of the Andes, which we celebrate on July 13. You can read it here.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of 

Pro-Life Education

Culture of Life Studies Program

Pro-Life Prints is a handprint activity book that you can do with your students or children. It is intended to be a stand-alone activity for children ages 3-7 and is a fun and engaging way to begin a conversation about the beauty of God’s creation of the human person. This four-lesson study is intended to reinforce how each person is unique, how every preborn is delicate and needs our protection, and how we should pray for others—especially those who are weaker than we are. It’s a great activity for hot summer days! ORDER HERE

ALL’s Education Materials

Vital Organ Removal: Did you know that you or your loved ones could be in grave danger of organ harvesting should you experience an accident or a serious health problem? This brochure explains the information you need to know and why you should never check yes on the organ donation card. SHOP NOW

Pro-Life Social Media

IVF: More Deadly Than the Abortion Industry

American Life League has spent decades fighting the culture of death, and by culture of death we mean more than abortion and physician-assisted suicide.  We educate supporters on the evils that creep into the pro-life movement itself.  Evils like compromise, voting the lesser of two evils, and artificial reproductive technologies that many in the pro-life movement embrace for its supposed “life-affirming” results—specifically in-vitro fertilization, or IVF.

Republicans in Washington, DC, have embraced IVF to the point of drafting legislation making it a right of parents. But who can blame Republicans when influential, pro-life institutions that cozy up to them refuse to condemn IVF?  

The process of IVF is rife with evils contrary to the laws of God. To help pro-life advocates understand why, ALL’s Dwain Currier explains: