Week in Review – A look at pro-life principles, while our judicial system changes
As the coronavirus pandemic began to take hold in the United States, Congress passed and the president signed the CARES Act that created a Payroll Protection Program. The program was designed to provide payroll funds for small businesses (less than 500 employees) so they could continue to pay their employees for an eight-week period—even if their revenue was going down.
As the details of the program were worked out, it was made clear in Congress and in the press that Planned Parenthood affiliates were not eligible for the funds due to the fact that every affiliate had to be certified by Planned Parenthood’s national office and had to maintain that certification by adhering to operational rules of the Federation. Since the Federation had a total of about 16,000 employees, the affiliates did not qualify for PPP money.
Soon after the program was implemented, it was publicly revealed that approximately 37 Planned Parenthood affiliates applied for and received PPP funds totaling about $80 million.
This past Monday (July 6), the Small Business Administration released the list of entities that received the PPP funds and, although the SBA did not state an exact amount each received, it did give a range for money given to each entity.
We now know that 42 Planned Parenthood affiliates (out of 49) and two related groups received PPP money and that the total funding was between $66 million and $151 million.
The list of Planned Parenthood affiliates who received PPP funds is linked here.
On July 8, 2020, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Little Sisters of the Poor in a resounding 7-2 decision. The case was over whether or not the Little Sisters and Catholic employers have the right to be exempt from providing employees with insurance coverage for birth control and abortion. After the long court battle, SCOTUS finally ruled in favor of the Little Sisters of the Poor in this historic win.
ALL in the News – ALL President Releases Statement Following Historic SCOTUS Ruling
This week, American Life League president Judie Brown released a statement following the SCOTUS 7-2 ruling in favor of the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Last week, ALL’s president and vice president released statements regarding the Supreme Court’s decision on admitting privileges for abortion clinics in Louisiana. ALL vice president Hugh Brown was quoted in CNS News article regarding the decision.
Hugh Brown was also quoted in a One News Now article last week regarding an employee who was fired from a Catholic hospital for standing up for Catholic teaching.
ALL’s most recent program, the Marian Blue Wave, was featured in an article in The Wanderer.
This week, political commentator and former presidential candidate Alan Keyes interviewed American Life League vice president Hugh Brown. The interview will appear on the show “Let’s Talk America with Alan Keyes”.

Judie Brown’s weekly commentaries and press statements continue to be featured as a column on Renew America. This week’s Tuesday commentary, Dear bishops: Bear public witness to Christ, was featured on the site’s front page.

Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death is a weekly talk-radio program on the Radio Maria USA network. The show can be heard live every Friday at noon (Eastern Time) and is repeated on Saturdays (10 PM).
Video of the Week – Classroom Sex Education Endangers Children
The problem with classroom sex education is that it ignores the impact on the mental well-being of the child. Not all children mature at the same age. So how can a one-size-fits-all curriculum be expected to educate without consequences?
Action Item of the Week – It’s Time for Pro-Life Face Masks
This is a crazy year. Masks are not just for bank robbers anymore.
Seriously, all across the country we are being told we need to wear masks; exactly when you have to have them and where you need to wear them differs by state. One of our supporters suggested that the face masks would be a good place to carry the pro-life message.
We are not talking about the masks worn by medical professionals that have to be made to certain standards to offer them protection in intimate medical situations. What we are talking about are the ordinary, everyday masks that we wear to stores or church or a million other places in our daily lives—places where a simple cloth mask is sufficient.
So, we went looking to see if anyone is making and selling pro-life masks, and we found some sites. Listed below are some of the places offering these masks. Please understand that we did not investigate everything these companies do and where they give corporate donations. This is just a simple list of where you can pick up some masks and let your face deliver a pro-life message.
First on the list is Students for Life of America. They offer one design at: https://sflashop.org/product-category/apparel/masks/
Then comes:
This site has a couple pro-life “neck gaiters”: https://www.etsy.com/market/prolife
Pro-life Social Media – Viral Video: Pod Babies
The video is two years old but it’s gaining social media attention due to its absurdity.
Art students in the Netherlands conceived (pun intended) a design for growing human fetuses in incubators. The concept was inspired by an artificial womb engineered to keep a premature lamb alive in the hopes that one day human babies born prematurely would have a better chance at survival.
Really think I might organize a mostly-peaceful protest if this ever gets approved for humans pic.twitter.com/b30IIXewSa
— Bennett's Demilich (@jcbonthedl) July 1, 2020
We like the idea of hospitals using incubators to save the lives of micro-preemies, but why would such a device exist in the home where any dog, child, or vacuum cleaner could just knock it over?
"It was thought up by students."
— Max C (@Xanderkish) July 1, 2020
Yeah, that tracks.
Working mom whose life is spent in an office 14 hours a day feeding her tube grown baby “Heinz Sqeezable Bug Mash”. What a concept
— Zodiac Signs are Satanist Witchcraft (@NathanBedfordF8) July 2, 2020
— burntcereal (@burntcereal_) July 2, 2020
Please tell me this is satire
— Dan Szy (@Szytgeist) July 1, 2020
Sorry. It’s not satire.
We can cancel women if this becomes real.
— Trash Lich (@LHTheory) July 2, 2020
Mom can you tell me the story of how you bought my pod at IKEA again?
— BusyBard (@busiestbard) July 2, 2020
Gen Z will probably be the last "human" generation. Nothing left but vacuous, infantile bug-creatures, so far as I can see.
— Dirge Van Delen (@SemyonoR) July 2, 2020
That’s the danger of our age.
— ceo of the handsome lads (@obective) July 2, 2020
Scientist prevails with no real understanding of psychology.
Babies bond with mothers in utero. We shouldn’t be surprised when a device used to save the lives of babies will be co-opted to convenience the lives of adults.