Week in Review – Parents fighting sex ed; Congress and PPP; Vigano letter to Trump
The Seattle Times documented this week that a new, and outrageous, sexuality education law (Senate Bill 5395) that was passed and signed by the governor earlier this year will most likely be on the ballot this November. The new law greatly expands sexuality education in the state, making it a requirement across all public schools and grades in the state. The content is outrageous and the daunting task opponents faced was collecting enough signatures of registered voters, in the midst of a pandemic, to get the law on the November ballot. According to the Times, “Parents for Safe Schools says it has turned in over 266,000 signatures—more than double the number of valid signatures needed—to the Washington Secretary of State’s office to put the new law before voters as Referendum 90.” The Times reported: “GOP lawmakers and legislative leaders are backing the referendum, as well as the state’s Catholic Conference and the Family Policy Institute of Washington.” If the signatures are certified, there will be an intense fight to get the referendum passed in November.
This week, members of Congress continue to demand that the Small Business Administration get back all of the money that was given to Planned Parenthood from the Payroll Protection Program. As we told you last week, 37 of Planned Parenthood’s affiliates illegally received a total of $80 million. Yesterday, at a Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee hearing on the CARES Act, Senator Josh Hawley asked Small Business Administration Administrator Jovita Carranza how Planned Parenthood was able to wrongfully receive $80 million through the Payroll Protection Program that was intended for small businesses. Here is a video of the exchange that shows the frustration of a good senator trying to break through the bureaucracy: https://t.co/NbTqLjeHPn?amp=1. Senator James Langford issued the following statement: The Paycheck Protection Program was designed to support small businesses, non-profits, and their employees through the health crisis currently facing our nation. Planned Parenthood’s budget of over one billion dollars a year and the explicit Small Business Administration affiliation rules made it clear from the start of the program that Planned Parenthood was not and is not eligible for a small business Paycheck Protection Program loan. Like other large organizations that returned monies they were not eligible for, Planned Parenthood should immediately repay the American people the money they took from deserving small businesses and non-profits. Every dollar Planned Parenthood took from the Paycheck Protection Program was a dollar that did not get to legitimate small businesses that were eligible for the Paycheck Protection Program.”
We conclude our Week in Review this week by calling your attention to an open letter released by way of Life Site News on June 6. It is an open letter from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, to President Donald Trump warning the president that the current crises over the coronavirus pandemic and the George Floyd riots are a part of the eternal spiritual struggle between the forces of good and evil. We encourage all of readers to take the time needed to read and understand this outstanding analysis of what is happening.
ALL in the News – Jim Sedlak Weighs in One the State of Planned Parenthood
Jim Sedlak was featured in a One News Now article regarding Planned Parenthood’s recent attention on national television. Planned Parenthood has now received donations from the shows “The Price is Right” and “Who Wants to be a Millionaire.” The article can be found here.

Judie Brown’s weekly commentaries and press statements continue to be featured as a column on Renew America. This week’s Tuesday commentary, Hatred Versus Solidarity, was featured on the site’s front page.

Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death is a weekly talk-radio program on the Radio Maria USA network. The show can be heard live every Friday at noon (Eastern Time) and is repeated on Saturdays (10 PM).
Video of the Week – Planned Parenthood Accepts Racist Donations
Planned Parenthood’s claim that “Black Lives Matter” is mere political posturing. Ten years ago, it didn’t turn away a pretend donor wanting his cash gift to be earmarked for aborting a black baby. Live Action provides proof in the audio:
Action Item of the Week – Sign and spread the online petition for ethical COVID-19 vaccines
Since last week, we’ve had hundreds of signers of our effort to ensure we get only ethical COVID-19 vaccines. BUT WE NEED MORE SIGNERS. If we are to have an impact on what vaccines are approved, we need to have thousands of signers.
This week, we are asking all our readers not only to sign on to this effort, but to circulate this information among all your friends and relatives. Inform your church groups and anyone else who is likely to support the effort to not use vaccines derived from aborted fetal cell lines.
Back in April, Bishop Joseph Strickland said that he “will refuse” a potential vaccine for the coronavirus if it is made using tissue from aborted fetal cell lines.
We know that many labs around the world are furiously working to develop a coronavirus vaccine; a number of them are using aborted fetal cell lines.
The good news is that Children of God for Life, the vaccine experts, reports that there are numerous companies that are developing ethical vaccines that do not use the objectionable cell lines.
NOW IS THE TIME for all pro-lifers to speak out and sign a petition demanding that the US approve only ethical vaccines.
The development of lifesaving vaccines should NEVER require the sacrifice of preborn children. Stand with millions of Americans across the country and sign the petition today to tell government officials NO to funding a coronavirus vaccine developed using aborted baby fetal cell lines!
Sign the petition and receive a link to Children of God for Life’s FULL list of ethical and unethical COVID-19 vaccines currently under development.
Be informed, spread the word, and let thousands of voices be heard.
Pro-life Social Media – ‘Female human fetuses are women’: Planned Parenthood Schooled on Human Biology
Planned Parenthood negated its mythical “war on women” when it decided to co-opt the transsexual movement. “Pregnant women” became “pregnant people.” (No hint, yet, on when PP plans to wrap its arms around the trans-species movement.) In order to pander to the men wishing to be women, and vice-versa, Planned Parenthood dropped this tweet in its timeline:
Trans women are women✊🏻
— Planned Parenthood Action (@PPact) June 9, 2020
Trans women are women✊🏼
Trans women are women✊🏽
Trans women are women✊🏾
Trans women are women✊🏿
Just as a DNA test would prove a trans-woman to be biologically male, a DNA test on a preborn human being would prove him to be—go figure—a human being. We felt compelled to share that little scientific nugget of truth.
Preborn babies are babies. 👶🏻
— American Life League (@AmerLifeLeague) June 11, 2020
Preborn babies are babies. 👶🏼
Preborn babies are babies. 👶🏽
Preborn babies are babies. 👶🏾
Preborn babies are babies. 👶🏿 https://t.co/ByvYEAmKVR
Pro-life twitter dropped truth-bombs on Planned Parenthood’s ridiculous tweet.
Anorexic people are fat
— Mandie (@Sassenach_85) June 9, 2020
Anorexic people are fat
Anorexic people are fat
Anorexic people are fat
Anorexic people are fat
Funny thing is no matter how many times you say it, it doesn’t make it true.
Women are women. 👩🏻
Men are men. 👨🏼
the unborn is a living human being
— Mariana (@Mariana32833286) June 10, 2020
the unborn is a living human being
the unborn is a living human being
the unborn is a living human being
the unborn is a living human being
the unborn is a living human being
the unborn is a living human being
the unborn is a living human being
Female human fetuses are human!!!
— Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia (@ProLifeUnion) June 10, 2020
The unborn are people too!
— Jason (@EmperorJayLay7) June 10, 2020
Female human fetuses are women ✊🏽✊✊🏻 https://t.co/AuxkmXFyOi
— Kristan Hawkins (@KristanHawkins) June 10, 2020
Abortion is killing a baby
— Angel Eduardo Gaibor 💙 (@angeledugaibor) June 11, 2020
Abortion is killing a baby
Abortion is killing a baby
Abortion is killing a baby
Abortion is killing a baby https://t.co/3OWeqPhuR0
Babies are the most beautiful way to start people.