Week in Review – Politics, Protests, United Nations, & Report from PP
This week, Chief Justice John Roberts joined with the liberal members of the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision that allows state governors to close churches during the COVID-19 pandemic. Roberts ignored the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of religion and lumped churches in with movie theaters, amusement parks, and sports venues. Not only was this a major loss for the various religious communities in this country, but it also raised further concerns on how Roberts will vote on the Louisiana abortion access law expected to be decided by the court before the end of this month.
Across the nation this week there have been peaceful protests and violent confrontations concerning the apparent murder of George Floyd. We applaud the peaceful protestors, but must show our disgust with those who use violence during these times of national crisis for personal gain. We also decry those groups who are paying looters and murderers to disrupt our society. Pro-lifers carry out protests and marches almost daily across the country in an effort to stop the killing of embryonic human persons—a disproportionate number of whom are Black. Let us not be discouraged and continue our peaceful, prayerful protests even in these trying times.
Our friends at C-Fam report that the United States’ delegation to the United Nations is fighting back against those who are trying to push abortion as a “human right.” C-Fam states: Health ministers from around the world adopted a resolution on health policies to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic early this week at the World Health Assembly that includes “sexual and reproductive health.” The United States objected to the inclusion of the term and rejected the notion of an international right to abortion. “There is no international right to abortion, nor is there any duty on the part of States to finance or facilitate abortion,” read a written statement submitted by the United States as a formal reservation during the first ever virtual meeting of the World Health Organization’s governing body. U.S. policy supports “the highest attainable outcomes for health, life, dignity, and well-being throughout their lives” and “high-quality health care for women and girls across the lifespan,” according to the U.S. reservation, just not abortion. Here is an update from C-Fam.
Planned Parenthood of Greater New York’s CEO, Laura McQuade, told a reporter this week that PPGNY has seen a 15 percent increase in medication abortions during the pandemic. “… we look at our patient volume every day. The single largest service growth area by far, was medication abortion. Whether that was done partially virtually, you know, through that video visit, and then picking up the meds, or coming into the center for medication abortion medication, major uptick in that number for us, even above pre-COVID numbers.” McQuade also stated: “… clearly we are in New York, we started the conversation saying we enjoy significant support from state and local elected officials across the state. And so they understand that we are essential services, but where we are seeing the uptick is in protester activity outside of our centers … So the places where we’ve seen (activity against PP) are, again through protests or activity, quite aggressively and that campaign has been very public that they are using this as an opportunity to increase their activities.”
When asked which of its facilities have seen increased protests, McQuade replied, “…our Manhattan center … We know that we get protesters from around the country who come here specifically to protest in Manhattan. We’ve seen some uptick in Queens. We’ve seen an uptick out in Hempstead on Long Island. And we hadn’t had the same level in the Poughkeepsie, Newburgh, which are two centers in the Mid-Hudson Valley that are open. We’ve seen kind of consistent engagement by protesters and then the further you go upstate there- it gets a little spottier. I think they’re still bringing people in, specifically to protest from out of state.”
Speaking of Planned Parenthood in Manhattan, Church Militant had a story yesterday about two African-American young women who were arrested for peacefully praying outside that Planned Parenthood facility just because they weren’t wearing masks.
Congratulations to the New Yorkers for keeping the pressure on Planned Parenthood. We encourage all those that oppose Planned Parenthood to keep peacefully and prayerfully taking to the streets to save the lives of embryonic human persons all across the country.
Since Planned Parenthood is reporting increased demand for medication abortions, we encourage all those praying at Planned Parenthood (and other abortion facilities) to be ready to inform clients about the Abortion Pill Reversalprocedure. At the very least, please have a sign that gives the number for the 24/7 HELPLINE: (877) 558-0333.
ALL in the News – Planned Parenthood’s New App Promotes Sex to Children
This week, Jim Sedlak was interviewed by One News Now regarding Planned Parenthood’s new app promoting sex education. The article can be found here.

Judie Brown’s weekly commentaries and press statements continue to be featured as a column on Renew America. This week’s Tuesday commentary, What is freedom?, was featured on the site’s front page.

Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death is a weekly talk-radio program on the Radio Maria USA network. The show can be heard live every Friday at noon (Eastern Time) and is repeated on Saturdays (10 PM).
Video of the Week – Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood’s Racist History
Progressives insist anything remotely connected to racism needs be erased from history—statues, monuments, books, authors, founders, and philosophers. So what about abortion organizations?
Nah! Because of “reproductive freedom” ‘n stuff, the virtuecrats conveniently dismiss Planned Parenthood’s racist founding, which we documented a decade ago on our American Life League Report.
Action Item of the Week – Sign the petition for ethical COVID-19 vaccines
Back in April, Bishop Joseph Strickland said that he “will refuse” a potential vaccine for the coronavirus if it is made using tissue from aborted fetal cell lines.
We know that many labs around the world are furiously working to develop a coronavirus vaccine. A number of them are using aborted fetal cell lines.
The good news is that Children of God for Life, the vaccine experts, reports that there are numerous companies that are developing ethical vaccines that do not use the objectionable cell lines.
NOW IS THE TIME for all pro-lifers to speak out and sign a petition demanding that the US approve only ethical vaccines.
The development of lifesaving vaccines should NEVER require the sacrifice of preborn children. Stand with millions of Americans across the country and sign the petition today to tell government officials NO to funding a coronavirus vaccine developed using aborted baby fetal cell lines!
Sign the petition and receive a link to Children of God for Life’s FULL list of ethical and unethical COVID-19 vaccines currently under development.
Be informed and let your voice be heard.
Pro-life Social Media – Planned Parenthood Tweets Support for Black Lives, Ignores its Racist Founding
A couple of weeks ago our media overlords demanded we stay at home to fight COVID-19. Today our media overlords demand we leave our homes to protest “systemic racism.” It’s starting to feel like we’re being played. Joining the ruse is Planned Parenthood’s claim that “Black Lives Matter” to them.
We’re devastated, grieving, and outraged by violence against Black lives. We must continue to demand accountability, justice, and an end to the inequity that continues to define every moment of life for Black America from the racist institutions that uphold white supremacy.
— Planned Parenthood (@PPFA) June 1, 2020
To our Black patients, supporters, and colleagues across the country and the Black community whose lives, health, and safety are constantly under attack, Planned Parenthood stands with you. #BlackLivesMatter
— Planned Parenthood (@PPFA) June 1, 2020
Access to health care and freedom from violence are reproductive justice issues. We’re proud to stand in solidarity with our partners in the Reproductive Justice movement, but we must also acknowledge our own racist history.
— Planned Parenthood (@PPFA) June 1, 2020
Without being specific, Planned Parenthood acknowledges its “own racist history”—except it isn’t history; it’s current events. Pro-life Twitter let Planned Parenthood know where it stands—on a pile of millions of dead, black babies.
Surprised you have time to update your Twitter…. figured you’d be too busy killing black babies. 🤷♀
— Laura Klassen (@LauraKlassen14) June 3, 2020
This from an organization that promotes and assists in the killing of more unborn black children every year than are killed at the hands of anyone else. You should truly be ashamed of yourselves.
— LisaMarie (@MRSLMN68) June 3, 2020
— K3rn3lhack3r (@k3rn3lhack3r) June 3, 2020
you were saying? pic.twitter.com/nz3PvflUOr
— Embertide Luke 🕊🔥 (@TheChoirLoft) June 3, 2020
WOW. This coming from the one institution that murders more black individuals than any other.
— Jammie Burwell (@BurwellJammie) June 1, 2020
— 🌷 (@zestym15) June 4, 2020
They will never have a chance to live because of @PPFA
This from an organization that promotes and assists in the killing of more unborn black children every year than are killed at the hands of anyone else. You should truly be ashamed of yourselves.
— LisaMarie (@MRSLMN68) June 3, 2020
You kill hundreds of unarmed black people every day.
— Lauren Enriquez (@LNEnriquez) June 2, 2020
Delete your account.
And remind you of Planned Parenthood’s genesis:
Don’t forget the reason why Planned Parenthood came into existence. pic.twitter.com/9dUs0g3YHY
— American Life League (@AmerLifeLeague) June 4, 2020