Week in Review – Major pro-life victory in Lubbock: How it happened
The battle over abortion has been going on for decades in Lubbock, Texas. Lubbock has always considered itself a pro-life city and has fought hard to get Planned Parenthood, and all abortionists, out of town. It achieved that goal when Planned Parenthood left in 2013.
When Planned Parenthood received a multi-million-dollar donation from a donor to specifically open Planned Parenthood centers in West Texas, it opened one center in El Paso. Planned Parenthood then announced in July 2020 that it was going back to Lubbock. What has happened since then is a real lesson in pro-life community activism.
- After the PP announcement, Senator Charles Perry of District 28 proposed a city ordinance that would effectively ban abortions within Lubbock city limits.
- The proposed ordinance was dismissed by the Lubbock City Council.
- Pro-lifers created a petition titled “Citizens Initiative Petition Declaring Lubbock a Sanctuary City for the Unborn.” The petition collected 4,526 signatures—surpassing the 3,651 signatures required.
- The Lubbock City Council held a public forum in November 2020.
- Despite the support for the ordinance shown at the public forum, the City Council, once again, voted unanimously not to pursue it.
- Rather than be discouraged, the local citizens circulated a petition to have the local ordinance making Lubbock a Sanctuary City for the Unborn put on the ballot for the next election. They collected more than enough signatures, and the ordinance was put on the ballot for the May 1, 2021, local election. As expected, Planned Parenthood fought hard against the ordinance while pro-lifers fought for its passage.
- The election was held on May 1. Over 34,000 Lubbock citizens voted, and the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance was approved by 62 percent of the voters!
- The mayor then announced that the City Council would follow the law and the ordinance would be processed and go into effect as early as June 1 (this week).
- Within a few days, Planned Parenthood announced it was looking at filing a lawsuit to stop the ordinance from taking effect.
- On May 17, Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas sued the city to stop implementation of the ordinance. The lawsuit was filed in a federal district court and claimed the ordinance violated the laws of Texas and the United States and is unconstitutional according to both the federal and state constitutions.
- The Lubbock City Council immediately said it would aggressively defend the ordinance.
- The federal court reviewed the ordinance and the lawsuit and asked the Texas attorney general’s office if it violated state law. The attorney general’s office replied on May 31 that it did not violate the Texas law or the Texas constitution. The attorney general’s office also pointed out that the federal court had no jurisdiction in this case.
- On June 1, the federal court agreed with the state and dismissed the lawsuit.
- Also on June 1, 2021, the ordinance went into effect.
- Planned Parenthood remains open in Lubbock but has stopped doing any abortions in the city.
As you read this account of successful pro-life activism, you may be asking yourself: What does the ordinance say?
The ordinance prohibits any abortions from being performed within Lubbock city limits. Unfortunately, it does have an unnecessary “life of the mother” exception, but all other abortions are prohibited.
So, what happens now? Because of the US Supreme Court Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey decisions, law enforcement in Lubbock cannot begin arresting people committing abortions in the city. In fact, the ordinance says that no legal action will be taken until SCOTUS makes changes to those two decisions.
However, Section F of the ordinance authorizes certain individuals to bring civil lawsuits against “any person or entity who commits” an abortion within city limits. It specifically authorizes lawsuits from “the unborn child’s mother, father, grandparents, siblings and half-siblings.” It goes on to specify that the person or entity who committed the abortion “shall be liable to each surviving relative of the aborted unborn child for: (a) compensatory damages, including damages for emotional distress; (b) punitive damages; and (c) costs and attorneys’ fees. There is no statute of limitations for this private right of action.”
Although this ordinance does not give fathers of children killed in abortion a way of saving their child’s life, it does give them the ability to file lawsuits—the fear of which may cause the abortionist and/or staff members to not commit the abortion. Unfortunately, the ordinance, as written, does not allow suing the aborted child’s mother.
The ordinance also says that “any private citizen of Texas . . . may bring an action to enforce this ordinance . . .” That action could include “injunctive relief and statutory damages of $2,000 for each violation.”
These lawsuits can be pursued even with the current Supreme Court decisions.
It is this fear of citizen lawsuits that caused Planned Parenthood to stop doing abortions. As it said in its lawsuit, “The legal and financial risk to the health center and to its personnel personally is too great. Even if they were to successfully defend against a civil suit, the litigation costs from the barrage of civil lawsuits encouraged by the ordinance would be crushing. Indeed, the Ordinance has already forced Plaintiffs to cancel abortion-related appointments to avoid potential liability.”
Congratulations to all pro-lifers in Lubbock and Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn!
ALL in the News – Judie Brown Condemns Experimental Research on the Preborn; STOPP Report Delivered to Thousands of Readers
Last week, Judie Brown released a statement following the news that a stem cell research organization called for the removal of a rule against growing and experimenting on embryonic human beings after 14 days of gestation. Judie commented that the removal of the rule, and research on the preborn in general, opens a “Pandora’s box of horrors, including (the) proposed creation of chimeras (hybrids involving cells from various species such as the recent efforts to create monkey-human embryos). Such experiments would not be sanctioned in a truly civilized society.” Read the full statement here.
On Wednesday of this week, the bi-weekly STOPP Report was sent to a list of thousands of pro-life activists and readers. The headline article delves into President Biden’s most recent attack on life—the Hyde Amendment. You can sign up to receive a copy of the STOPP Report every other Wednesday here.
Every Friday afternoon, the American Life League social media team, Dwain Currier and Katie Brown, host the Friday Live Show on Instagram Live. The show regularly discusses current events and provides young adults a platform where they can have their culture of life questions answered. Replays of the show can be found on Facebook.

Twice a week, Judie Brown’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s Tuesday commentary, Human Embryo Game Play , was featured on the front page of ALL.org. The commentary was also republished as an op-ed on CNS News. Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.

Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death is a weekly talk-radio program on the Radio Maria USA network. The show can be heard live every Friday at noon (Eastern Time) and is repeated on Saturdays (10 PM).
Video of the Week – A new prayer effort to defeat Planned Parenthood
Since October 2019, American Life League’s Marian Blue Wave program has asked Catholics to pray a Rosary once a week specifically for the closure of all Planned Parenthood facilities and an end to all types of abortion. This year, we’ve begun a new prayer effort to defeat Planned Parenthood.
Action Item of the Week – The MEN’S MARCH is next Saturday, June 12
The pro-abortion movement always tries to tell men that they have no business talking against abortion. This is a totally wrong message.
Men have a responsibility to speak out and to pray for all those who are being murdered by abortion.
Next week, the men of America will have an opportunity to show just how much they love God and every human being He created—regardless of age or place of residence.
Every man in the country is invited to take part in The Men’s March on June 12 in Washington, DC!
Men will gather a 11:00 AM outside of Washington Surgi-Clinic Abortion Center (2112 F Street NW, 20037)
Professional dress code: Wear a suit (priests in clerics)
No signs. Organizers will have one banner to express our clear, unified message:
“Let’s Stop Murdering Our Preborn Children”
In every time and every place, murdering innocent human beings is wrong and must be outlawed.
The men will march to the White House in the non-violent protest manner of MLK.
Featured speakers include Msgr. Charles Pope, Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Walter Hoye, Michael Hichborn, Rev. Dr. Clenard H Childress, and Dr. Michael New.
The entire event is estimated to last two-and-one-half hours.
Travel info: The closest airport is Reagan National (DCA)
Here is what Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas has to say:

Pro-life Social Media – Mothers Share Their Pregnancy Announcements on TikTok
Being valedictorian at graduation might make you school smart, but it doesn’t prepare you to be a good mother. A video went viral this week featuring a Texas teen who ditched her scripted graduation speech for one that advocates violence against people waiting to be born. Texas wants to prevent the sucking apart of preborn children with detectable heartbeats. Senior, Paxton Smith, took offense. She thinks women are powerless unless they’re given the privilege of infanticide.
In Texas, Lake Highlands High School valedictorian, Paxton Smith, switched out her approved speech to talk about abortion rights. pic.twitter.com/4xsoHARDSs
— Kolleen (@littlewhitty) June 2, 2021
“I hope you can feel how gut-wrenching it is, how dehumanizing it is, to have the autonomy over your own body taken from you.”
Imagine how the baby feels.
“Abortion kills a human being, and if we need to kill other humans to have equal rights with another set of humans, something is wrong with our idea of equality.”https://t.co/ldQ33Tzq0N
— Petra ↣ℱormer ∪terus ⅅweller↢ (@StupidRock) June 3, 2021
I was lucky to give my high school’s valedictorian speech. Something I could only do because my teenage parents did something actually brave and gave me life.
— Rachael Larimore (@RachaelBL) June 3, 2021
A baby doesn’t destroy your dreams, hopes, and ambitions. She complains of being dehumanized when she has dehumanized infants as simple obstacles to women’s goals.
— Classically Abby (@classicallyabby) June 2, 2021
This is what is being taught in high schools. https://t.co/E4BbtZ0UdT
Paxton, you must know that having children does not crush “dreams, hopes, and ambitions.”
— Kristan Hawkins (@KristanHawkins) June 3, 2021
You’ve been taught a lie.
Learn the truth about what abortion does. It kills innocent human life. It must be stopped. https://t.co/ZpjYu5pHzG
The pro-abortion cult tells us women are incapable, that we can’t, and that our sons and daughters oppress us.
— Christine Yeargin (@christineyeargs) June 3, 2021
Advocates for life tell us women are CAPABLE, that we CAN, and that our sons and daughters EMPOWER us.
We are not the same.
Mothers all across the country are graduating high school. We pity Ms. Smith, who has bought into the lie that success only happens to teen mothers when they kill their kids.