Week in Review – PP employees tell truth under oath and a “documentary” confuses truth
This week, the Center for Medical Progress released videos of Planned Parenthood employees giving testimony under oath in the civil lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood against CMP and its undercover journalists. The Planned Parenthood employees clearly contradict Planned Parenthood’s public statements about selling baby body parts for profit. Witness after witness admitted that they provided access to aborted babies to companies that extracted “useable” body parts and received payment only for the “useable” parts. FOX NEWS published a report this week that began: “Newly obtained testimony from Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) officials has raised questions about the organization’s initial response to journalist David Daleiden’s undercover videos, and refocused attention on whether the nation’s largest abortion provider violated federal law regarding fetal tissue donations.”
As the Coronavirus pandemic continues, there is a major thrust in the United States for telehealth medical visits and services. Unfortunately, this thrust includes abortions. The abortion industry calls these “at-home” abortions or “self-managed” abortions. While no abortion is safe—especially for the preborn child—the medication abortions carry greater risks for the mothers. Please understand that at-home abortions are not something simple. According to the National Institutes of Health: one out of five has adverse effects; one out of six involves hemorrhaging; and one out of 17 will require surgery to complete the abortion. They are often violent and can require immediate transport to an emergency room. At least 18 states ban telemedicine abortions.
Last week we brought you the news of 37 Planned Parenthood affiliates illegally applying for, and receiving, over $80 million in Payroll Protection Program funds intended only for small businesses. In applying for these funds, Planned Parenthood was following an old organizational strategy. In a 1984 IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation) leaflet, The Human Right to Family Planning, they state: “Family Planning Associations … should not use the absence of law or the existence of an unfavourable law as an excuse for inaction; action outside the law, and even in violation of it, is part of the process of stimulating change”. So PP acted in violation of the law and PPFA vice president of government relations & public policy, Jacqueline Ayers, issued a statement, which read, in part: “This is a clear political attack on Planned Parenthood health centers … It has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood health care organizations’ eligibility … and everything to do with the Trump administration using a public health crisis to advance a political agenda …”
Last Friday, FX network had the premiere showing of AKA Jane Roe, a “documentary” that purported to show that, in her final days of life in 2017, Norma McCorvey recanted her pro-life stance and “said” her conversion from pro-abortion to pro-life never happened—that it was all an act. After the airing of the show, there have been numerous reviews published from both sides. If you want to understand the fallout from the show, we suggest two different commentaries.
The first was published by SLATE and is titled, “How the Anti-Abortion Movement Is Responding to Jane Roe’s “Deathbed Confession.” This article did an excellent job of presenting the reaction and even cautions that “The documentary itself does paint a much more subtle portrait of McCorvey than the headlines about her ‘deathbed confession’ suggest.”
The second was written by a pro-life hero, Monica Migliorino Miller, and was published in the Catholic World Report. It is a thorough look at Norma McCorvey and ends with: “On the very day Norma died, Father Pavone, together with Janet Morana, executive director of Priests for Life, called her. In the last moments of her life, her pillow draped with a rosary, Pavone and Morana say that Norma told them in a feeble voice, gasping for breath: “I want you guys to promise me to never back away from undoing the decision I was a part of.” Those are the real last words of Norma.
ALL in the News – Jim Sedlak Interviewed as an Authority on Planned Parenthood
Last week, Fox News broke the news that Planned Parenthood improperly received $80 million in federal stimulus money. Jim Sedlak has been interviewed twice by Church Militant on the subject, with quotes appearing in two separate articles that can be found here and here.
STOPP International’s fight against the birth control pill was recently highlighted in an article from the Daily Hampshire Gazette. The article quotes STOPP’s Rita Diller and links to a presentation from the 2011 The Pill Kills Conference.

Judie Brown’s weekly commentaries and press statements continue to be featured as a column on Renew America. This week’s Tuesday commentary, Piece of My Heart, was featured on the site’s front page.

Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death is a weekly talk-radio program on the Radio Maria USA network. The show can be heard live every Friday at noon (Eastern Time) and is repeated on Saturdays (10 PM).
Video of the Week – Friday LIVE Re:Stream—Don’t Get Angry
On this Re:Stream of Friday’s Instagram Live, Katie Brown lists five tips to keep in mind while discussing abortion violence and other sensitive topics. You can watch our Friday IG Live program every Friday afternoon on Instagram.
Action Item of the Week – Join the Marian Blue Wave
Today is the last Friday in May. During this month the attention of much of the Catholic world turned towards Mary, the Mother of God. On Friday, May 1, the bishops of the United States and Canada joined together in renewing the consecrations of the two nations to the care of our Blessed Mother.
Tomorrow, Pope Francis will lead the major shrines around the world in praying the Rosary to implore Mary’s intercession and protection amid the coronavirus pandemic on May 30, the eve of Pentecost. The pope will pray from the replica of the Lourdes Shrine in the Vatican Gardens. The Rosary will begin at 8:30 AM, Pacific Daylight Time, 5:30 PM, Rome time.
While all this is happening, abortion is still the major killer of children in the United States and Planned Parenthood still operates the largest abortion chain in the country—with more killing centers than all the other abortionists combined.
Last October, on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, American Life League launched the Marian Blue Wave. MBW is “A call to Catholics across America to pray a weekly Rosary with the specific intentions of ending all clinical, chemical, medical and surgical abortion and shutting down every Planned Parenthood facility in the United States.”
As we opened our Marian Blue Wave campaign, ALL produced the following video on the victories brought about through the Rosary.
We invite you today to join with the 3,000 other people from across the world and become part of the Marian Blue Wave.
Just go here to sign up:
Pro-life Social Media – Twitter’s Viewpoint Discrimination: SBA Thread is Damning
Social media companies’ bias against pro-life organizations has been apparent for over a decade. We’ve seen our YouTube videos suspiciously yanked and reinstated, not to mention the shutting down of our Pinterest account. Nothing new here. But the social media overlords claim there is no bias but only that the content is too inflammatory for paid advertisements.
SBA List recently posted a thread documenting Twitter’s history of viewpoint discrimination for the past few years. It’s a summary worth reviewing:
[THREAD] See for yourself evidence of Big Tech abusing their Section 230 protections to CENSOR #ProLife speech *they* disagree with:
— Susan B. Anthony List (@SBAList) May 28, 2020
March 2017: Promoted tweet by SBA List president @marjoriesba‘s featuring a #ProLife quote by Mother Teresa is censored by Twitter https://t.co/mPzeRjD0Dk
— Susan B. Anthony List (@SBAList) May 28, 2020
At an April 2019 Congressional hearing on censorship by Big Tech, Sen. @tedcruz asked Facebook & Twitter execs if the quote was “hate speech”: https://t.co/Z0r6EkyhFd
— Susan B. Anthony List (@SBAList) May 28, 2020
October 2017: Twitter blocks @VoteMarsha‘s campaign announcement ad because she stated in the video that Planned Parenthood was caught selling body parts of aborted babies https://t.co/tZivvFxli3
— Susan B. Anthony List (@SBAList) May 28, 2020
July 2018: On the same day @Facebook appears at a Congressional hearing claiming they don’t censor pro-life speech, @Albany__Rose, a pro-life, post-abortive atheist is on day THREE of her page being banned by Facebook pic.twitter.com/JBXYxdZpfQ
— Susan B. Anthony List (@SBAList) May 28, 2020
Oct/Nov 2018: Partial timeline of Facebook blocking our ads during the 2018 midterms:
— Susan B. Anthony List (@SBAList) May 28, 2020
10/9 – Micah ad banned in Iowa
10/12 – Charlotte ad banned in Arizona: https://t.co/Kn9GEa51Qy
10/12 – We appeal & Charlotte ad allowed to run
10/15 – Charlotte ad banned again
Oct/Nov 2018: Partial timeline of Facebook blocking our ads during the 2018 midterms:
— Susan B. Anthony List (@SBAList) May 28, 2020
10/9 – Micah ad banned in Iowa
10/12 – Charlotte ad banned in Arizona: https://t.co/Kn9GEa51Qy
10/12 – We appeal & Charlotte ad allowed to run
10/15 – Charlotte ad banned again
10/25 – Facebook bans Charlotte ad a third time
— Susan B. Anthony List (@SBAList) May 28, 2020
10/25 – SBA List appeals again & Charlotte ad restored
10/26 – Charlotte ad banned a FOURTH time
10/27 – Charlotte ad banned for the FIFTH time
11/1 – Ad exposing @PhilBredesen
— Susan B. Anthony List (@SBAList) May 28, 2020
for #TNSen banned: https://t.co/reLESOX84Z
11/1 – Ad exposing @jontester for #MTSen banned: https://t.co/vKko6lNbe3
*Timeline of FB censorship of SBA List 2018 midterm ads ends*
April 2019: Twitter suspends the account of African-American #ProLife advocate @ryanbomberger for 6 weeks https://t.co/6XHDAILnxz
— Susan B. Anthony List (@SBAList) May 28, 2020
June 2019: Pinterest blacklists pro-life group @LiveAction, classifying the site as “pornography.” https://t.co/veuQW2ndZD
— Susan B. Anthony List (@SBAList) May 28, 2020
After the Pinterest censorship story broke, Pinterest responded by PERMANENTLY banning @LiveAction from their platform: pic.twitter.com/HG0B9QnzGM
— Susan B. Anthony List (@SBAList) May 28, 2020
For five years (and counting) @LiveAction has been banned from running ads on Twitter unless they delete “offensive” tweets & scrub their website of undercover videos & ultrasound images https://t.co/NAjzhWvQT0
— Susan B. Anthony List (@SBAList) May 28, 2020