Week in Review – Quick actions end threats to life at both ends of the life spectrum
This week, New York State showed its total anti-life penchants. The New York Post reported on Tuesday that “New York State just issued a drastic new guideline urging emergency services workers not to bother trying to revive anyone without a pulse when they get to a scene.” The NYS Health Department justified the order, saying it is “necessary during the COVID-19 response to protect the health and safety of EMS providers by limiting their exposure, conserve resources, and ensure optimal use of equipment to save the greatest number of lives.” After the publication in the Post, many first responders, including the state 911 system, said they would not obey the order. Just a day after the Post made it public, State Health Commissioner, Dr. Howard Zucker, “rescinded” the “do-not-resuscitate” order.
While we applaud the citizens of New York for refusing to obey the order, this entire pandemic situation is just showing how anti-life much of the leadership of many states is. From abortion centers being allowed to stay open in the majority of the states, to these efforts to kill sick people, it is clear that those who value human life have a major task ahead of us to create a culture of life in the United States. We encourage you, during this time at home, to establish a prayer life and to spend time discerning what God wants you to do to turn this nation around.
There’s a fun new trend Americans are participating in while many are under “Shelter in Place” orders . . . using the end of driveways and other publicly viewable areas to chalk messages for passersby! So, Students for Life is launching a brand-new initiative . . .The National Pro-Life Neighborhood Chalk Day & Contest! And it’s happening Friday, May 1, 2020. Prizes are offered, as they hope to reach the hearts and minds of our neighbors for life.
There is a lot of publicity about Planned Parenthood launching “telehealth” services state after state across the country. PP says it will have telehealth in all 50 states by the end of 2020. If you are wondering if telehealth includes abortions, the answer is yes—in most states.
- Planned Parenthood says: “Telehealth services vary from health center to health center, but you may be able to get services such as birth control, STD testing and or treatment, gender-affirming hormone therapy, PEP, PrEP, and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). Counseling or education information may also be available.”
- Planned Parenthood also says: “You may be able to get a medication abortion — the abortion pill — through telehealth.” (Telehealth abortions are currently banned in 19 states) “If so, during your telehealth visit, your nurse or doctor will give you all of the information you need to use the abortion pill at home. Then you’ll go to your local health center (Planned Parenthood) to pick up the medicines (SIC) you’ll need.” (UPDATE: We first pointed out this statement of PP on abortion as part of the Wednesday STOPP Report this past Wednesday. Planned Parenthood has now removed this statement. But you can see what was there this past Monday by going here.)
Planned Parenthood pushes the abortion pill for what the abortion industry calls “at-home” or “self-managed” abortions. Please understand that at-home abortions are not something simple, according to the National Institutes of Health: one out of five has adverse effects; one out of six involves hemorrhaging; and one out of 17 will require surgery to complete the abortion. Anyone who has seen the movie UNPLANNED will remember the scene of Abby Johnson’s “at-home” abortion using the abortion pill. Killing your unborn child using this technique can be brutal and devastating to the mother.
Finally, there was a pro-life victory this week when pro-lifers in South Dakota and Missouri worked together to stop the nation’s largest abortion chain from opening a small office in Luverne, MO, for the sole purpose of dispensing the abortion pill through telehealth abortions. You can read the full story here.
ALL in the News – Judie Brown and ALL Ask President Trump NOT To Use Aborted Fetal Cells in COVID Vaccine; Radio Show Discusses Pro-Life Activism in Quarantine
Last Friday, Judie Brown, on behalf of American Life League’s supporters and associate groups, wrote a letter to President Trump and to all 535 members of Congress regarding the federal government’s funding to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. This news was announced to the media in a press release on Monday morning.
This week, American Life League executive director, Jim Sedlak, was interviewed by One News Nowregarding House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Sedlak’s interview was also used in this Life News article. Also this week, a STOPP report from early April was featured in a One News Now article.

Judie Brown’s weekly commentaries and press statements continue to be featured as a column onRenew America. This week’s Tuesday commentary, Comparing apples and oranges, was featured on the site’s front page.

Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death is a weekly talk-radio program on the Radio Maria USA network. This week, Sedlak’s guest will be John Pisciotta, head of Pro-Life Waco (Texas) and creator of the 10,000-member Facebook group, Hometown Pro-Life Action. They will discuss different approaches to pro-life activism during the pandemic. The show can be heard live every Friday at noon (Eastern Time) and is repeated on Saturdays (10 PM).
Video of the Week – The Church is Essential During the Pandemic
Hugh Brown, executive vice-president of American Life League, talks with Ambassador Alan Keyes about the COVID-19 pandemic and just how essential the Church is and how they can operate during these trying times.
Action Item of the Week – American Life League makes Loving Will available for FREE
In this pandemic, there are ever-growing threats to your life. Crowded hospitals and over-burdened staff are placing a great strain on our medical services. Some in the medical community are pushing for the denial of life-saving services to some people in order to ensure optimal use of equipment to save the greatest number of lives.
Now, more than at any time in the past, it is essential that everyone have a directive stating that you want all available effective treatments, care, nutrition (food), hydration (water) and oxygen, however administered, given to protect and preserve your life.
Over 20 years ago, American Life League worked with a team of lawyers and doctors to create a document to clearly express your wishes. The document is called the LOVING WILL and it has been used by thousands of people all across the country.
ALL is now making that document available to everyone at NO CHARGE. You simply need to go to https://shop.all.org/collections/educational-materials/products/pro-life-healthcare-directive-with-durable-power-of-attorney-free-download and order it for free. Once you complete the process, it will be sent to you by e-mail.
As a person who fully respects human life, you will want to ensure that your actual wishes are understood and carried out. Therefore, you will need a truly pro-life advance directive.
Every person 18 years of age or older should have a life-protective directive. Whenever you go to the hospital, bring along your carefully prepared life-protective directive.
The LOVING WILL is a document that tells your doctor and other health-care personnel how to take care of you should you become so sick that you are unable to communicate your wishes. In short, it instructs health-care personnel to do nothing intentionally, by act or omission, to cause your death.
For more information on the LOVING WILL, including frequently asked questions (with answers), go to: https://all.org/euthanasia/plhd
REMEMBER, during this critical time, American Life League is making this exceptional document available to everyone for FREE.
Pro-life Social Media – Planned Parenthood’s Cure for Boredom: Coloring Pages
Planned Parenthood hosts parties with desserts shaped like reproductive organs. It fundraises with trivia nights featuring questions about sex. We wonder if Planned Parenthood is run by college co-eds, until we look at the salaries of the people running it.
Planned Parenthood has come up with a juvenile plan for its quarantined followers with nothing else better to do—coloring pages and word searches. And it’s not the kind of puzzles you’ll find in the New York Times. Nope. Just like its cookies and candy, Planned Parenthood can’t create anything unless it has sex organs and birth control methods on it.
Need a moment of calm? Tap into your creativity, unwind, and relieve some stress with our coloring and activity pages: https://t.co/ni7wx5N78k pic.twitter.com/4K25KGRBcs
— Planned Parenthood (@PPGreaterTX) April 22, 2020
Did you know there’s a pro-life, child-friendly alternative? Culture of Life Studies has Pro-Life Prints and coloring pagesfor children ages pre-K to 2nd grade. Some digital downloads are free while families continue to shelter-in-place during the pandemic.