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Pro-Life This Week February 21, 2025

Week in Review

IVF Is Immoral, President Trump!

In light of the president’s recent executive order to expand IVF and decrease the costs associated with the procedure, American Life League issued a statement condemning the action. 

Aside from the immorality of the procedure, more babies die from IVF than from abortion every year. 

In a statement, national director Katie Brown wrote: 

The president’s decision to expand IVF access is not one to be celebrated. It is not a pro-life decision, and in fact, it is the exact opposite. The fact is more babies die from IVF than abortion. This fact seems to be continuously ignored by our lawmakers, who ignorantly call IVF a pro-life action, or celebrate “more babies.” This blatant ignorance will cost millions of innocent lives. I urge our president to reverse this decision and to take time to fully understand what IVF is. American Life League exists solely to educate the public on the sanctity of human life, and we are ready to help the president understand why this decision is not a pro-life one.

Judie Brown also penned a statement, saying:

It is rather strange that President Trump has taken action to expand access to the very practice that diminishes the procreative act of God and demeans the concept of parenthood as designed by Him. But that is what the president has done by expanding access to in vitro fertilization, a practice that Cardinal Josef Ratzinger, prior to becoming Pope Benedict XVI, exposed as evil, writing in Donum Vitae:

Just as the Church condemns induced abortion, so she also forbids acts against the life of these human beings. It is a duty to condemn the particular gravity of the voluntary destruction of human embryos obtained ‘in vitro’ for the sole purpose of research, either by means of artificial insemination of by means of “twin fission”. By acting in this way the researcher usurps the place of God.

President Donald Trump is not God. He is a human being who we pray will realize the truth concerning why in vitro fertilization is unacceptable to any American who believes in God and His procreative power.

Planned Parenthood Cheers as Abortions Are Ruled to Resume in Missouri Facilities

A judge in Jackson County, Missouri, blocked a previous order that still required abortion facilities to abide by certain licensing standards following Missouri’s November 2024 enshrinement of abortion into its state constitution. This requirement, which temporarily halted surgical abortions from taking place in Missouri’s abortion facilities, compelled Planned Parenthood to file a lawsuit against the state of Missouri. 

However, hours after Judge Jerri Zhang blocked this licensing requirement last Friday, Emily Wales, CEO of Planned Parenthood Great Plains, announced that PPGP’s facilities would begin abortions immediately

So what did these license requirements entail that Planned Parenthood and other Missouri abortionists were enraged by?

Some of these requirements included:

Confirmation of the preborn baby’s gestational age via ultrasound

1. Confirmation of the preborn baby’s gestational age via ultrasound
2. Informing the patient in person of abortion and its risks 72 hours before the scheduled abortion
3. Keeping a record of the patient’s previous medical history
4. Developing, implementing, and enforcing “a written protocol for managing medical emergencies including the transfer of any patient requiring further emergency care to a hospital within a reasonable distance from the abortion facility”
5. Making sure that hallway corridors for new abortion facilities are “at least” six feet wide

Unsurprisingly, Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion media have labeled these absolute bare-minimum requirements as discriminatory toward abortion facilities. Planned Parenthood’s press release called this a “TRAP law” (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Provider), while the CEO of Planned Parenthood of Great Rivers said, “The state’s abortion facility licensing requirements were not about patient safety, but rather another politically motivated barrier to prevent patients seeking abortion from getting the care they need.”

However, Planned Parenthood’s anger about having to follow basic licensing requirements is another example of the organization’s fears of losing customers who decide to keep their babies, which ultimately means losing lots of funding for the blood-money nonprofit. 

Many articles showcase the celebratory spirits of Planned Parenthood and its fellow abortion advocates due to the ruling, but there is absolutely nothing worth celebrating here, as more innocent lives face death by murder. 

While the ruling is expected to be appealed, STOPP encourages and calls on Missouri’s state leaders to have the courage to fight for protection of mothers and of the preborn child at all stages.

ALL in the News

Katie Brown’s statement on IVF was reprinted by and LifeNews.

Judie Brown penned an op-ed examining how President Trump could potentially become a great pro-life president, if he follows the example of President Reagan. The op-ed was published exclusively by The Federalist.

Katie Brown’s letter to the president asking him to take action against the abortion pill drug cartel was featured in serval outlets this week, including American Family News.

The most recent Wednesday STOPP Report was sent out this week. Catch up on the news here.

The Winter 2025 issue of Celebrate Life Magazine is officially out! Catch up on all the articles online here.

Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program—ALL’s pre-K-12 pro-life education program—penned an op-ed about the Holy Family that was published by Catholic World Report. She also wrote an article about teaching pro-life values at home. You can read it here.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of 

Pro-Life Education

Culture of Life Studies Program

Dr. Jérôme Lejeune and Trisomy 21 is an at-home lesson created for students in 7th and 8th grade. This lesson uncovers the greatest discovery of modern genetics—the cause of Down syndrome. Dr. Lejeune was a brilliant scientist, a saintly man, and an outspoken advocate for the “least of these.” Using every opportunity to speak on behalf of preborn babies and people with disabilities, Dr. Lejeune was a pro-life hero who sacrificed his career and worldly honors in order to speak the truth about the horrors of abortion. ORDER HERE

ALL’s Education Materials

Does IVF Violate Human Dignity? Since in vitro fertilization helps infertile couples have biological children, it is often praised as a pro-life and pro-family form of procreative technology. But IVF success stories hide a devastating reality. This technology murders millions of preborn babies, fractures marital unity, and turns children into objects that can be bought and created on demand. This brochure shares what happens to all the children procreated through IVF and the false hope it offers to suffering couples. Learn what the Church teaches about procreative technologies, as well as the licit fertility treatments Catholics can use instead. This brochure also includes a link to further resources and reading. SHOP NOW

Pro-Life Social Media

‘Gross’: Trump Signs Executive Order Expanding America’s Deadliest Industry

One of the pro-life movement’s greatest stumbling blocks is its willingness to put trust in Washington legislators rather than adhere to God’s commandment to NOT MURDER. You cannot serve both God and mammon.  

Trump has the potential to be a great pro-life president. His decades of success in settling negotiations guide him in picking the winners from the losers. As we see every election cycle, the pro-life movement isn’t one of the winners, and Trump knows it.

So, it’s no surprise that Trump would expand access to a procedure that is popular among Americans but ignored by pro-life leaders who have influence inside the Washington beltway.

Oh look, Press Secretary Leavitt even included a baby emoji because that’s what IVF represents to the average person. But the ends (a born baby) don’t justify the means (a dozen dead preborn babies). 

Contrary to reality, Democrats also insist that Republicans want to take away everyone’s birth control.

Promises made. Promises kept.