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American Life League Abortion Pill Report Underscores Efforts of Attorneys General Suing FDA

Research Emphasizes Need for Regulation of Deadly Chemical Abortion Regimen 

Contact: Tom Ciesielka, TC Public Relations, 312.422.1333, 

(October 21, 2024 – Fredericksburg, Virginia) American Life League is applauding the attorneys general of Missouri, Idaho, and Kansas for their legal action to protect women and children from the broad, unregulated, and patently unsafe distribution of chemical abortion drugs, in a lawsuit against the federal Food and Drug Administration. The case, filed in October 2024, is a revised version of a previous lawsuit seeking to reverse a series of FDA actions that have allowed for hugely expanded distribution of mifepristone with little or no medical supervision or regulatory oversight.  

“American Life League applauds the attorneys general of Missouri, Kansas, and Idaho for filing a suit against the FDA for its recklessness in allowing the deadly abortion pill regimen to be sent through the mail,” stated national director Katie Brown. “We are hopeful that this lawsuit will put a stop to the deadly abortion pill drug cartel, which illegally traffics these unregulated drugs across our border and into states with abortion restrictions. Thanks to the FDA, we have no idea how many women and babies have paid the ultimate price due to unfettered access to chemical abortion. The cases that we do know about are heartbreaking and only scratch the surface of the demonic attempt to make these pills so accessible. It is our hope and prayer that this suit will expose the abortion pill for what it is—a barbaric practice that takes an innocent life every single time.” 

“American Life League’s devastating report on the criminal abortion pill cartel that is flooding America with illegal and deadly abortion pills has the attention of these state attorneys general,” added ALL vice president Hugh Brown. “Every state in America should sue the FDA, along with Planned Parenthood—the facilitator and referral agent—and hold them accountable. The indifference and lack of concern for this horrific criminal enterprise is mind boggling. We applaud the attorneys general of Missouri, Kansas, and Idaho, and we encourage every state attorney general to review our report, Beneath the Surface: Exposing the Abortion Pill Drug Cartel, and follow suit. Shut these murderers down.” 

About American Life League 

American Life League has been part of the pro-life abortion debate since its inception. Since 1979, American Life League has committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to death with a pro-life integrity that stands up for every innocent human being whose life is threatened by the culture of death. For more information visit