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ALL President Salutes Heroes of 9/11/2001, Calls for Renewed Dedication to Ending Terror in the Womb

Washington, D.C. (11 September 2008)Judie Brown, president of American Life League, issued the following statement regarding the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

"American Life League today remembers and salutes the nearly 3,000 victims – heroes – whose lives were stolen on Sept. 11, 2001. They and their families are in our thoughts and especially in our prayers. 

"Almost all of us were touched that day. The images of our brothers and sisters suffering indescribably – at the World Trade Center, at the Pentagon, in that Pennsylvania field – are seared indelibly into each of our minds and hearts. We remember exactly where we were, exactly how we felt; we remember that mix of sympathy, pain, fear, grief and outrage as we sat glued to the television.

"The memory of those lost loved ones galvanized the country to act as one. Collectively we sought and still seek to put an end to the evil of terrorism.
"That natural disgust and aversion to evil is a testament to our basic goodness. In the natural order, man seeks to achieve good and conquer evil.

"But tragically, on this anniversary of 9/11, we must face another abhorrent evil as despicable as terrorism, but far more silent, stealthy and hidden from the front pages of newspapers and the nightly news. Abortion and the culture of death have clouded our natural aversion to evil. It's harder to see terror in the womb. Abortion is concealed behind closed doors, flower pots and the attractive façades of 'reproductive health clinics.'

"But these terrorist attacks happen every day all across the country; the death toll is much, much higher. This kind of terrorism deserves just as much commitment to its defeat as the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

"Today American Life League remembers the victims of 9/11 and their families. We renew our dedication to ending terrorism wherever we find it – especially terrorism leveled against the weakest and most abandoned – the preborn.

"The images of the nearly 3,000 victims who died in New York City, in Pennsylvania, and in Arlington, Virginia cry out to us for attention and demand our commitment to ending terrorism.

"The unseen 48 million victims of abortion cry out to Heaven, to the only One who hears their voices, to demand an end to terrorism in the womb."

American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to death. For more information or media inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.