In case you thought Disney princesses were as benign as Minnie Mouse, Planned Parenthood advocates have put the stars of animated Disney movies into the examining rooms of Planned Parenthood. Not the actual exam rooms, mind you, else Planned Parenthood might find itself on the receiving end of a cease-and-desist letter from Disney executives, as the illustrations are neither authorized nor associated with the Walt Disney Company.
Nevertheless, it’s a typical tactic employed by the advocates for unfettered preborn baby slaughter—to use imagery that appeals to children in order to draw them into its agenda of casual sexual behavior. Today’s kids are tomorrow’s dollars and voters. And how are kids to know Planned Parenthood exists unless you tell them Belle from Beauty and the Beast is a birth control user?
No credit to the illustrators for accuracy. We’d be hard-pressed to find any evidence of pro-life advocates outside of Planned Parenthood holding signs that read “Go back to your country.” As for the “Defund Planned Parenthood” T-shirt? That actually exists.
The Texas proposal mentioned here does not mandate “funeral services” but only burial or cremation for the dead. It merely requires the butchers of children to not flush them down the sink or collect them in souvenir jars for laughs.
Effective satire requires some element of truth to make it funny. These cartoons don’t even have THAT going for them, which makes them unfunny and boorish. The Disney characters we remember as kids didn’t have multiple sex partners. Thus, their need for Planned Parenthood services is irrelevant. The reason people go to Planned Parenthood is because their sexual lifestyle is contrary to God’s design for sex. If you save sex for marriage, what’s the point of STD screenings and HPV vaccines?
Perhaps Disney princesses and their appearance of chastity is so offensive to abortion zealots that they’re ripe for tearing down. This is typical. Trash virtue, celebrate vice, and live infected ever after.