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Communique – Mar. 4, 2005

in this issue:

assistance, please: ADVANCE DIRECTIVES
birth control pill: WISCONSIN
catholic bishops: CHAPUT
reflection for prayer: MATTHEW 25:40

urgent / terri schiavo

APPEAL FROM VATICAN: On a Radio Vatican broadcast, Cardinal Renato Martino of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace said, “If Mr. Schiavo succeeds legally in causing the death of his wife, this not only would be tragic in itself, but would be a grave step toward the legal approval of euthanasia in the United States. I would like to remind everyone in this connection, about all that the Holy Father has said in past days to the Pontifical Academy for Life, confirming that the quality of life is not interpreted as economic success, beauty and physical pleasure, but consists in the supreme dignity of the creature made in the image and likeness of God. No one can be the arbiter of life except God himself.”

(Reading: “Cardinal Martino appeals for Terri Schiavo,” Zenit, 2/24/05)

FLORIDA BISHOPS: A statement from the Florida Catholic Conference concludes, “We pray that Terri Schindler Schiavo’s family and friends, and all who hold power over her fate, will see that she continues to receive nourishment, comfort and loving care.”

In a separate statement about Terri’s treatment, Bishop Robert Lynch of St. Petersburg, who is Terri’s bishop, said, “the decision will be made within a family,” adding his hope that all will act “with a single focus of achieving the best result for Terri.”

American Life League is asking Florida’s bishops, particularly Bishop Lynch, to take a much stronger and much more active role in fighting for Terri’s life, “preaching from the pulpits on why one can never remove food and water from a person whose death is not imminent.”

(Reading: “Continued concerns for Terri Schiavo,” Florida Catholic Conference, 2/28/05; “Statement of Bishop Robert N. Lynch,” Diocese of St. Petersburg, 2/28/05; “American Life League calls on Catholic churches to engage in prayer and action for Terri Schiavo,” American Life League news release, 3/2/05)

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: From Thomas Droleskey: “There is nothing difficult or complex about the Terri Schindler-Schiavo case. She is suffering as a member of the Mystical Body of Christ. We must treat her as we would treat Our Lord Himself. End of ‘discussion.'”

COMMENT: Our sentiments exactly.

(Reading: “More obfuscation from Florida,” Christ or Chaos, 3/1/05)

RALLY: Supporters are planning a rally for Terri Schiavo at Woodside Hospice in Pinellas Park, Fla., on March 12 at 2 pm. Speakers will include Jim Sedlak of American Life League’s STOPP International.

(Reading: “Prayer vigil and rally for life, truth, justice,” Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation news release, 3/2/05)


UNITED NATIONS: The UN is holding a follow-up conference to judge “progress” since its Beijing conference on women’s rights. Documents approved at that conference stated women should have the right to “decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality.” There has been some suggestion that this is coded language that implies a “right” to abortion. The United States submitted amendments that would clarify that the Beijing documents do not create such a right. However, there were later indications that the U.S. amendments would be dropped.

(Reading: “US sparks row at UN over abortion,” BBC News, 2/28/05; “US plans to relent at UN on anti-abortion statement,” Globe and Mail, 3/3/05)

assistance, please

ADVANCE DIRECTIVES: Julie Grimstad, director of Life Is Worth Living, is doing research for an article and needs some assistance. You could help if you are able to visit your local Catholic hospital and obtain copies of the advance directive forms (there might be one or more) and the information packet regarding medical decision making provided by the hospital (both are needed). Make certain that the hospital’s name and address are on this information. Send these items directly to Julie Grimstad, 3008 S. Della St., Stevens Point, WI 54481. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

birth control pill

WISCONSIN: A state judge recommends a reprimand and license restrictions for Neil Noesen, a pharmacist who refused to fill prescriptions for the birth control pill. Noesen says his Catholic beliefs will not permit him to dispense contraceptives. The judge who issued the recommendation says the pharmacist should also be required to take a six-hour ethics course. Noesen’s case goes before the state pharmacy board April 13.

(Reading: “Reprimand advised for pharmacist,” Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, 2/28/05)

catholic bishops

CHAPUT: The question-and-answer session following a luncheon speech by Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput became heated at times. One questioner said the Catholic Church doesn’t care much about protecting women hurt by unwanted pregnancies. Chaput replied, “That dear baby who gets aborted is who I’m protecting. Somebody doesn’t just get hurt with abortion; they get killed.”

(Reading: “Lunch crowd challenges Chaput,” Rocky Mountain News, 3/2/05)

dark side

NARAL: The pro-abortion organization is asking supporters to sign a petition to “organizations of the right to life movement,” asking them to back the Protection First Act, a bill “that would help reduce unintended pregnancies through better access to birth control.” The invitation to “join together in a new campaign to reduce the need for abortion” is topped by a banner reading, “pro-choice/anti-choice.”

COMMENT: First of all, the Catholic Church teaches that artificial contraception is “intrinsically evil.” Secondly, chemicals such as those contained in the birth control pill are abortifacient. Finally, there is never a “need” for abortion.

(Reading: “Preventing unplanned pregnancies: Something we should all agree on,” NARAL action alert, 2/05)

PLANNED PARENTHOOD: An effort to project the image of a kinder, gentler Planned Parenthood is in evidence in the organization’s online store. “I had an abortion” and “Choice on Earth” items are gone. Featured now are blue silicone “awareness bracelets” that say “Choice” and “,” as well as T-shirts with the slogan, “Kiss me, I’m pro-choice.”


ALL’S NATIONAL PRO-LIFE T-SHIRT DAY: American Life League’s third annual National Pro-life T-shirt Day is April 26. All pro-life Americans, especially students, are encouraged to wear pro-life apparel that day to show support for the preborn. The official shirt of ALL’s National Pro-life T-shirt Day is available online at The cost is $5 plus shipping and handling.

RIGHT TO LIFE ACT OF 2005: This bill (which will be identical to the previous version) states, “The terms ‘human person’ and ‘human being’ include each and every member of the species homo sapiens at all stages of life, including, but not limited to, the moment of fertilization, cloning, or other moment at which an individual member of the human species comes into being.”

COMMENT: Is your member of Congress a co-sponsor? He or she should be. Ask!

reflection for prayer

MATTHEW 25:40: Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto me.