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Cruel cunning

We live in a world that is upside down, yet far too few people seem to care. And that troubles me. We go along, doing what we do, never stopping to question the media reports that suggest this topsy-turvy reality is the proper direction for culture, our nation and our very lives.

Five in five – no problem?

Since the introduction of the abortion drug, mifepristone (RU-486) five years ago, five women have died from bacterial infections. Or at least that is what has been reported.

Monkey business

Perhaps the kookiest thing I have come across in days is a report concerning “an influential group of bioethicists” gathered together by Johns Hopkins who have approved the use of human brain cells in the developing brain matter of chimps and great apes.

Communique – Jul. 15, 2005

in this issue: abortion: 4D ULTRASOUNDbirth control pill: HEALTH RISKbush: BETRAYING PRO-LIFE CAUSEculture of death: 1965 ACOG BULLETIN / WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATIONeuthanasia: MASSACHSETTSpersonhood: HUMAN BEING AS INDIVIDUAL schiavo: GOV. BUSHstem cell breakthrough: SINGAPOREweb news: FAMILY… Read More »Communique – Jul. 15, 2005

Horrors, not Hatch

Well you can always say you read it here first. A group of “conservatives” is suggesting that perhaps the wisest choice for Supreme Court nominee would be Utah’s Senator Orrin Hatch.