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Pontifical Academy for Life

Judie Brown, president of American Life League and a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, offers the following report on the academy’s February 27-28 meeting on the moral status of the preimplantation human embryo.

Good guys wear white hats

More than twenty years ago we flew to Rome for a meeting, and a very tall man accompanied us — my husband, our three young children and me — to the Pope’s Sunday Mass.

Courage in Oregon

“There is a point at which passive ‘tolerance’ allows misleading teachings to be spread and propagated, thus confusing or even misleading the faithful about the truths of the Church…There is a very strong word, which still exists in our Church, which most of us are too ‘gentle’ to use. The word is ‘heresy.’”

When it’s not about you!

Women are told that reproductive health services are designed to better their lives. They are also told that anti-abortion zealots are infringing upon these services.

Communique – Feb. 17, 2006

in this issue: hot button issues: NATIONAL PRO-LIFE T-SHIRT DAY / PLANNED PARENTHOODabortion: RISKSeuthanasia: ADVANCE CARE PLANNINGin vitro fertilization: RISKSmorning-after abortion pill: NEW YORKorgan transplant: DOMINO THEORYpersonhood: RIGHT TO LIFE ACTschiavo: POLITICSreflection for… Read More »Communique – Feb. 17, 2006