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Youth invited to put pro-life beliefs to work

“The pro-life message will not be silenced in our schools,” said Erik Whittington, American Life League’s youth outreach director. “Wearing a T-shirt with a pro-life message is about more than just making a statement.

Send in the clowns

Hyperbole dressed up like fact continues to interest me, especially when it emanates from the culture of death’s chief analysts.

Persons large and small

South Dakota Gov. Michael Rounds made a great statement when he signed the genuinely pro-life bill that just arrived on his desk from the state legislature.

Hawaii, South Dakota take opposite approaches

“While high-profile media attention has been focused on South Dakota’s effort to outlaw abortion, Hawaii is quietly set to become the baby killing center of the Pacific,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.

ALL welcomes South Dakota abortion law

American Life League welcomes the South Dakota bill which outlaws all medical and surgical abortions in the state without exception (despite news reports claiming there is an exception for life of the mother).

Pontifical Academy for Life

Judie Brown, president of American Life League and a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, offers the following report on the academy’s February 27-28 meeting on the moral status of the preimplantation human embryo.

Good guys wear white hats

More than twenty years ago we flew to Rome for a meeting, and a very tall man accompanied us — my husband, our three young children and me — to the Pope’s Sunday Mass.

Courage in Oregon

“There is a point at which passive ‘tolerance’ allows misleading teachings to be spread and propagated, thus confusing or even misleading the faithful about the truths of the Church…There is a very strong word, which still exists in our Church, which most of us are too ‘gentle’ to use. The word is ‘heresy.’”