Is Abortion Ever In Accord With Catholic Teaching?
Bishop Paul Swain, the shepherd of the Diocese of Sioux Falls, has written a letter regarding the recent anti-abortion petition drive in South Dakota.
Bishop Paul Swain, the shepherd of the Diocese of Sioux Falls, has written a letter regarding the recent anti-abortion petition drive in South Dakota.
An eighth-grade chemistry teacher at Russell Middle School in Milpitas, California has resigned his position because of a furor raised after he showed segments of The Silent Scream to his students.
During Women’s History Month, let us remember the women who have made a positive difference in this world by helping us to become pro-life, chaste and pro-God—let us focus on women who exemplify the role of the real woman.
Judie Brown, president of American Life League, reacted to news of a California teacher being placed on administrative leave for showing a pro-life video in class.
“Planned Parenthood manipulated the Kansas judicial system and bypassed the rule of law,” said Andrew Flusche, American Life League’s staff attorney.
Due to the fact that the Montana Catholic Conference, in a statement signed by Bishop Leo Thomas, Diocese of Helena, and Bishop Michael W. Warfel
Judie Brown, president of American Life League, responds to the recent statement from the Colorado Catholic Conference on the personhood ballot initiative.
For parents the world over who have agonized about the childhood vaccines that contain cells from intentionally aborted children, the news about AVM Biotechnology couldn’t be better.
Apparently the editorial writer is downright furious with pro-life legislators in that state who are attempting to correct erroneous semantics that currently make it hard to understand what the word “abortion” really means.
A Jewish businessman who some are describing as “mentally ill” attempted to kill his own child while the little boy was still in his mother’s womb.
In what can only be described as one of the most recent in a series of back peddling moves on the part of various Catholic bishops in the United states, the Colorado Catholic Conference has told the Denver Post that some have “raised serious questions about this specific amendment’s timing and content.”
We are always happy to hear news that makes it clear that the American public is growing less and less confident in the evil wares Planned Parenthood markets as “health care.”