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Planned Parenthood cards offend

“Planned Parenthood’s ‘Choice on Earth’ holiday cards are its latest assault on Christianity,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American life League. “By changing the word ‘peace’ to ‘choice’, Planned Parenthood is effectively implying that Mary should have considered aborting Jesus.”

America’s Deadly Export

While many are celebrating the Congressional passage of a bill that contains the Mexico City Policy, there are those of us who are not so quick to throw a party.

Naughty Boys And Girls At Merck!

It usually does not warm the cockles of my heart to hear that some large company is losing money… not usually. But in the case of recent news affecting Merck, the pharmaceutical giant, I am not shedding a single tear.

ALL blasts forced abortion referrals

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Committee of Ethics has made it crystal clear that ACOG is finally coming out of the closet and showing itself to be the godless entity we knew it was all along.

Three Cheers For Life!

Pro-Life Wisconsin, one of American Life League’s premier associate groups, has made the headlines for stopping a piece of legislation that would have required all hospitals, regardless of religious affiliation, to provide the deadly morning after pill in cases of sexual assault.

Evil Is What It Is!

Recently the Philadelphia Bulletin ran an interesting article on the upcoming elections for president. It has been, as you know, a rather surreal experience already, when one considers that among the front runners in the pack there is nary a single truly pro-life candidate.

Miscarriage of justice

Last Thursday, I read a series of news reports that brought me face to face with the tragic consequences of more than 30 years of unabated abuse – of drugs, the English language and the preborn child.

Communique – Dec. 7, 2007

in this issue: hot button issues: NOELLE / PLANNED PARENTHOOD CARDSabortion: ABORTION VIA SMOOTHIE / PRACTITIONERSbirth control: PRESCRIPTION DRUG USE INCREASEcatholic bishops: NIENSTEDTculture of death: MTVeugenics: CRICK AND WATSONfetal tissue research: UPDATEmorning-after…