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ALL: Who is Planned Parenthood Kidding?

Planned Parenthood of Alabama will close its Huntsville facility July 11. Despite record profits fueling Planned Parenthood’s expansion into posh new suburban facilities designed to attract wealthier clients, the organization is shutting some of its underperforming centers.

Believe It Or Not Its True

As a Catholic pro-life leader, I am frequently overwhelmed by the macabre nature of the news I read, especially when for one reason or another, we at American Life League become part of that news.

Merck Madness

Call it a hunch, but those of us at American Life League who have been studying pharmaceutical giant Merck’s marketing plan for Gardasil, commonly known on television by its “one less” mantra, have been suspicious for some time.

Statement: Unanswered Questions Scandalize Faithful

As information slowly disseminates from the diocese of Richmond in the wake of the abortion facilitated by Commonwealth Catholic Charities, we call on Bishop Francis DiLorenzo and the rest of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops to commit to accountability by answering the many questions left by this latest episode of apparent child abuse and subsequent deadly assault on a preborn child.