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The US Economy–Bullishness Based on Babies

It seems a bit counter-intuitive to discuss reasons to be optimistic about the US economy. Every day we hear reasons to fear the worst—high unemployment figures, two costly wars and, of course, that mind-boggling amount of debt.

The 97 Percent Fight

There are a number of hot battles going on in Washington, DC and across the country this year. We have budgets with deficits, raising the national debt limit.

Unlikely Neighbors

Thanks to an anonymous—and very generous—donor, the residence at 1925 Columbus Avenue in Waco, Texas, recently fell into the hands of a group of pro-life and pro-family advocates.

Baby Steps to Truth

Encouragement comes about in all sorts of ways, the traditional and the nontraditional—including postings on Facebook pages, videos on YouTube and through many other venues that just a few short years ago were unheard of. Imagine, for example, “tweeting” a friendly greeting ten years ago. Nobody would have known what you were talking about.

A Difference without a Distinction

I recently heard a guest on a political talk show trying to defend taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood by saying that we should worry less about abortion and concentrate on helping people who are “already here.”