America’s Hostility Toward Holiness
It has always been a bit curious to me that government officials, as well as high-placed, influential members of the media elite, cannot ignore the temptation to criticize or demean people of faith.
It has always been a bit curious to me that government officials, as well as high-placed, influential members of the media elite, cannot ignore the temptation to criticize or demean people of faith.
“Planned Parenthood’s bitter campaign against Komen–aided by left-liberal activists and media–is analogous to a protection racket: Nice charity you’ve got there. It’d be a shame if… Read More »Comment on Komen funding decision regarding Planned Parenthood and the aftermath
American Life League published research last summer revealing that Susan G. Komen for the Cure affiliates had awarded $629,159 to Planned Parenthood Federation of America affiliates for “breast health.”
Susan G. Komen for the Cure announced this week that it will no longer fund Planned Parenthood Federation of America, stating that the change is due in part to a new grants policy that denies funds to organizations that are under investigation at the federal, state, or local level.
ACTION ALERT Planned Parenthood and Pro-Abort Media Unleash Withering Attack on Komen Over De-funding American Life League published research last summer revealing that Susan G.… Read More »ACTION ALERT Planned Parenthood and Pro-Abort Media Unleash Withering Attack on Komen Over De-funding
by: Rita Diller The new bright pink Planned Parenthood ads being rolled out by PP of Northern New England blast such slogans as: We’re your… Read More »Planned Parenthood’s new ads entice young people with lewd messages
Moloch was a false god that Israel would worship during its periods of apostasy. Followers that worshipped this counterfeit deity would sacrifice their children to… Read More »American Life League’s 2011 MOLOCH AWARDS
My daughter, mother of six boys, recently said to me, “It is so hard to keep our kids safe these days, whether we are at a playground or shopping.
Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shortey has introduced a bill banning food products developed using aborted fetal material in the state.
by: Rita Diller The chairman of the USCCB pro-life committee, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, said this week that the religious exemption in the HHS ruling to… Read More »Action Alert: Obama administration and Planned Parenthood attack religious freedom
Wire services reported this week a new study suggesting that abortion is safer for mothers than childbirth. American Life League says that such reports have periodically surfaced for decades and are neither news nor science as they omit half of the patients involved.
I have read with interest the thunderous proclamations of sanctimonious outrage from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in response to Obama’s order that conscience protection does not apply to his mandatory birth control coverage in health insurance plans.