Has Assisted Suicide Been Scratched from the Progressive Agenda?
By Michael Cook
This powerful TV ad against Question 2 [available on original website at http://www.bioedge.org/index.php/bioethics/bioethics_article/10307] may have swayed voters.
By Michael Cook
This powerful TV ad against Question 2 [available on original website at http://www.bioedge.org/index.php/bioethics/bioethics_article/10307] may have swayed voters.
Within moments of the final presidential election results, Planned Parenthood was beating its drum, changing its logo, and squawking about how it came to pass that the Obama reelection was a “resounding victory for women.”
By Kurt Kondrich
[Recently] I read a very disturbing article titled “New Prenatal Test Is Bringing Eugenics Back to Germany,” and I could not help but think of the famous quote from American philosopher George Santayana: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
By Dr. Patrick Lee
In the last decade or so there has been a shift in the kind of argument usually advanced by abortion advocates.
By Chelsea Zimmerman
I have been reading Pope Benedict’s latest encyclical, Spe Salvi, which I am surprisingly enjoying (I wasn’t sure if it would be too philosophical and intellectual for me—I have never read anything of his before). It is actually very reader friendly and insightful.
In celebration of Veterans Day and all that it means to every American, Paul E. Rondeau, executive director of American Life League
by Margaret Ekam Planned Parenthood Takes Another Step in Deception Propaganda: A.L.L.Washington, D.C. – American Life League issues the following statement by Jim Sedlak, vice… Read More »Planned Parenthood Takes Another Step in Deception Propaganda: A.L.L.
Planned Parenthood will now market “Care. No matter what.” as its new and improved tag line.
There has been so much analysis presented on why and how the re-election of Obama occurred that it is not in anyone’s best interest for another commentator to weigh in.
By Wesley J. Smith
Sometimes an article cuts through the fog of public debate and discourse to capture the true essence of a movement or belief system.
Today is the day America votes to elect or re-elect the president of the United States.
The evolving court case in Nevada on government-mandated abortions, usurping individual rights and infringing on religious freedom, is both a sad commentary and a klaxon warning of the growing assault on freedom in this great country.