Praying for the Souls of Abortion Providers
By Brendan Clowes
Last Sunday, the National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers was celebrated.
By Brendan Clowes
Last Sunday, the National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers was celebrated.
Once thought of as blessings from God, babies are now merely commodities possessions to be tinkered with at whim. And, when they aren’t wanted, or when something goes wrong, we just discard them like trash and start over. Catholic clergy have spoken about this tragedy that has befallen our society, but not enough have used their voices, nor have they spoken loudly enough. We cannot sit back and watch this calamity unfold. It is time for them all to speak loudly.
By Mark Pickup
At the conclusion of his brilliant essay, “The Weight of Glory,” C.S. Lewis wrote, “Next to the Blessed Sacrament itself, your neighbour is the holiest object presented to your senses.”
The beautiful words of Blessed John Paul II are to be celebrated, pondered, and understood. This holy man truly loved all of God’s children born and preborn and taught that this is how we must live our lives. His inspiring words guide us and teach us. Let us not misunderstand them.
For those of us who realize the truth that life begins the moment a child is created arguments suggesting otherwise are inane. When we hear the assertion that a human being is not alive until he is born despite his beating heart, moving limbs, functioning organs, and so on we wonder how anyone could believe this lie. The fundamental right to life is denied every second of every day in America because of this lie and we must not allow this insanity to continue.
Love the sinner, hate the sin. That is something we are taught from the time we are children. But, in today’s society, we are now taught to tolerate the sin, embrace the sin, or even advocate for the sin. If we dare to mention that a type of behavior is sinful, we are castigated and branded intolerant. As we regularly see, Catholic clergy often do not give voice to God’s word and God’s will. Consequently, we now live in a society where it is the peoples will that rules. Why have we silenced God?
By Dennis Howard
The success of a new Texas law prohibiting abortion unless the abortionist has hospital admitting privileges within 30 miles of the abortion is a major step ahead in the abortion battle.
By Rob Gasper
Planned Parenthood Federation of America closed 48 locations while opening 13 in 2013, marking eight straight years of decline.
It seems that, lately, those who agree that abortion is a woman’s choice are the only ones who are allowed to speak out. If you are pro-life and state this, or hold a sign to make others aware, then you are labeled intolerant, hateful, or hurtful. But we cannot stop using our voices, for the people we speak for do not have voices yet. They are the ones being slaughtered. And we are the ones who must protect them.
By Mark Pickup
I’ve been thinking about eternity. As I mentioned in an earlier post, my wife is grieving the death of her mother. She asked me when the pain stops.
By Rey Flores
When I used to do community organizing work in Chicago, yes I did say community organizing in Chicago, I quickly learned that it was all for naught.
By Rita Diller
“Just when you think you have seen the worst Planned Parenthood has to offer.” Seems I repeat that phrase every year around St.