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Hey CRS, We Heard it on the Grapevine!

Two days ago, American Life League issued a full-length, documented report exposing Catholic Relief Services’ involvement with organizations that promote and, in some cases, directly commit abortion.

The Human Machine?

In modern times, skewing the image of the human being as a child of God, created in His image and likeness, is a process that started the day the first condom was sold in a vending machine early in the 1940s.

Blinded by Truth

Few may have taken note of the blatant error in President Obama’s recent remarks on the occasion of Martin Luther King’s famous “I have a dream” speech, but the irony in Obama’s rhetoric struck me like a sword to the heart.

Suffer the Little Children

By John Stonestreet
Imagine you and your spouse find out you’re expecting. Having experienced this moment a few times, I know there’s nothing quite like it.

A Gut-Wrenching Failure

The Catholic Church is praised by the mainstream media whenever the political positions its leadership takes coincide with the policies of the Obama administration.