Wednesday, June 18, 2014 – By Rey Flores
By Rey Flores
Nancy Pelosi, the new high priestess of the Secular Church of America, has laid the gauntlet down.
By Rey Flores
Nancy Pelosi, the new high priestess of the Secular Church of America, has laid the gauntlet down.
When a family member suffers, or is sick and dying, it is natural to want him to have the best care possible. But we must understand what proper care includes. A recent and tragic example explains why end-of-life care that supports the dignity of Christ’s children is of utmost importance.
By Kurt Kondrich
According to sources in Great Britain, the Turtle Dove has seen a [more than] 90 percent decrease in numbers since 1970, and this legendary creature seen as the symbol of true love and featured in one of our best-known Christmas carols is declining so rapidly that it may be gone from Britain by the next decade.
It seems to be the mantra of today’s society that we are told to be tolerant and to just accept the changes in morality that occur almost daily. Belief in God’s commandments is scoffed at. Holding fast to faith is looked down upon. When we allow morality to fade away and tolerance to take over, the face of God is obscured and His teachings lost. The result is a society also lost a society aching and hurting.
By Michael Hichborn
I have a CD of over 200 talks given by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. I think I have listened to the CD at least twice in its entirety, and perhaps even three times.
Big Abortion flourishes because not all human beings are valued. Big Abortion flourishes because a preborn baby’s life is not given the respect it deserves. Today’s hedonistic and selfish society cannot seem to grasp the horror that, with every abortion, a preborn baby is slaughtered. Can we combat this? There are ways.
Planned Parenthood tries with all its might to persuade people to its side, to lead them to think and believe that there is nothing wrong with aborting a child. The organization has even brought in “clergy” to attempt to justify its own agenda. Planned Parenthood does not want you to know the truth. In fact, PP is scared that you will find out the truth.
American Life League and nearly 60 cosponsoring organizations are coordinating a large-scale
By Rob Gasper
The Pill Kills National Day of Action is almost upon us.
Catholic clergy must lead their flock, must not turn a blind eye to the tenets of the faith. They must stand up when an injustice is done and show the great power of Our Lord. Is this being done today?
By Melinda Tankard Reist
Adelaide couple Mark and Matt, both 29, have acquired Thai-designed newborns Tate and Estelle through commercialised surrogacy overseas.
In a city that’s gone bankrupt and is riddled with violence, it’s easy to get lost in hopelessness. But one organization wants to change this. One organization wants to bring hope and love to women and babies by teaching the value of preborn life. So although devastation abounds, optimism is not dead.