What Is the Synod Saying?
Judie Brown explains what Pope Francis and the bishops have been discussing in the synod currently taking place at the Vatican.
Judie Brown explains what Pope Francis and the bishops have been discussing in the synod currently taking place at the Vatican.
The fact that Planned Parenthood is an enemy of the Catholic Church is being made clearer with each passing day of the synod in Rome,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.
Some things in life are difficult to understand, but the fact that a baby lives and grows inside his mother is not one of those things. What is difficult to understand is why hundreds of thousands of people have cried out about the life of one dog. Where is the outcry for the thousands of babies killed every day? Where are our priorities?
By Jennifer Popik
Californians with health insurance obtained through the Obamacare exchange are continuing to find themselves being turned away when they seek out many top health care specialists and hospitals, according to the latest report in an ongoing investigation by the Los Angeles Times.
Synod of the Family requested to declare Planned Parenthood an enemy of the Church
We have spent too much time allowing others to dictate our morality while we simply sat back and watched events unfold. And we have plummeted into a selfish society where the sanctity of life has been discarded and forgotten. How many more souls will be lost if we let this continue?
Catholics urged to contact Cardinal Maradiaga, head of Caritas Internationalis
By Michael Cook
I’m finding it hard to watch the news lately, dominated as it is by the atrocities of ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
In this ever-changing world in which contraception is pushed from many fronts, we find that we must now add the pediatrician’s office to the list. Parents, beware. Make it a point to know what goes on when your child talks with his doctor.
By Wesley J. Smith
God may not be dead, but considering the imago Dei in philosophical discourse and public policy certainly is.
Elizabeth Ministry Brings Encouragement, Hope, and Healing to Women
By Michael Hichborn
As the October Synod on the Family rapidly approaches, American Life League continues to sound the rallying cry that any discussion on modern challenges facing the family should include Planned Parenthood.