Then and Now: The Descent of Ethics
By Nancy Valko
I feel blessed to have grown up and become a nurse in the era of TV programs like Marcus Welby, MD; Ben Casey; and Medical Center.
By Nancy Valko
I feel blessed to have grown up and become a nurse in the era of TV programs like Marcus Welby, MD; Ben Casey; and Medical Center.
Here is how one enemy of the family defines fecundophobia. During the 2012 election cycle, Washington Post writer Lisa Miller wrote about politicians displaying pictures of their families showcasing their wives and children.
Abortion is a horrifying, tragic act that takes the life of a child who depended on his mother to care for him. Instead, his life is literally torn apart. A new PBS movie airing this holiday weekend attempts to humanize the monsters responsible for this slaughter. What can we do about this?
By Mark Davis Pickup
A Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) news blog featured a story about a new line of clothing for people with Down syndrome that has been launched.
By Rey Flores
If there’s one thing that anyone who has served in active duty in the military can say, it is that you cannot stand alone in the battlefield. No one man is sent to do battle alone
Late-Term Abortion Propaganda to Air on Labor Day
American Life League understands the importance of the family in society and the toxicity surrounding it today. To this end, we have begun a new campaign called Defend the Family. Today’s commentary talks more about this and explains how you can take part.
By Laura Perrins
Professor Richard Dawkins has been pontificating again, this time taking a break from his busy schedule to condemn parents who refuse to conform to the culture of death.
In anticipation of the Vatican’s October 2014 Synod on the Family, American Life League is launching a new campaign called Defend the Family.
Suffering the loss of a child through miscarriage is a tragedy that evokes a great sadness. The direct killing of a child through abortion is also a tragedy. Knowing that some Planned Parenthoods now refer to an abortion as a “voluntary miscarriage” is sickening and further compounds the heartbreak of losing a child. Today’s commentary reminds us to be cautious with our words and to support those who have lost a child at any age.
By Rob Gasper
“I have a two-year-old granddaughter thanks to your literature.” — F. Bandiera (Waterbury, Connecticut)
In a time when life is not valued be it the preborn, the elderly, or the infirm we must strive to teach that all people are worthy of love, respect, honor, and care. Doctors may not always look out for the best interests of their patients, so when it comes to end-of-life care, we must protect ourselves and our loved ones by being educated and by asking questions.