Planned Parenthood Protected by the Media and Still Killing Babies on the Taxpayers’ Dime
Important news fills stories and sheds light on the PP scandal and the horrors we have seen of late.
Important news fills stories and sheds light on the PP scandal and the horrors we have seen of late.
Watch as this adorable baby grows right before your eyes!
Have you wanted to use your voice to make an impact, but were unsure of exactly what to do? We show you how and when.
Through the Culture of Life Studies Program and other informative material, ALL is here to educate all members of your family.
Hanging in our living room is a copy of a painting by Sir Frank Dicksee called La Belle Dame sans Merci, which means “the beautiful lady without mercy.”
Christ cannot be psychoanalyzed because he is perfect.
There have literally been hundreds of tweets about the gruesome Center for Medical Progress videos and the resulting fallout—including some from the infamous Planned Parenthood itself.
Five tweets reveal Planned Parenthood to be mentally unstable.
Once again, the news in the pro-life world has been dominated by Planned Parenthood.
It has now been five videos, but in reality it has been nearly 100 years, and still the beast that devours our preborn children and the souls of our living children prowls this earth.
By J. Matt Barber
While poorly decided U.S. Supreme Court cases are a dime a dozen, prior to [June], two stood out among the most wretched and constitutionally groundless in American history.
When revenue from harvested baby organs is considered, late term abortion is one of Planned Parenthood’s highest ticket items. This very well may explain why the abortion giant has resisted any attempt by legislators to restrict these horrific procedures.