Planned Parenthood Goes Under the Congressional Microscope
American Life League president Judie Brown calls on congressional committee to widen investigation
American Life League president Judie Brown calls on congressional committee to widen investigation
American Life League is steadfast in its beliefs, while Planned Parenthood continues its lies.
While PP admits to selling baby body parts, we hear the voice of wisdom and understand the importance of prayer and fasting.
Tiny preborn babies with no voices need you every day, but next weekend you can stand in solidarity with others.
Come sing along to a song with a familiar tune, but with eye-opening lyrics.
Watch these awesome videos of grandparents who make us smile and laugh.
Judie Brown, president of American Life League, the oldest national Catholic pro-life education and advocacy organization in the United States, issued a statement in response to Pope Francis’ letter announcing a special Jubilee Year of Mercy, authorizing priests worldwide to absolve the sin of abortion when penitents follow prescribed action, including participation in the sacrament of reconciliation.
On Tuesday, September 1, the Center for Medical Progress released its ninth video which showed, once again, the horrors of Planned Parenthood’s procedures.
An organization that misrepresents itself, that harms women and kills babies, and that is only in the business for its bottom line—this is an organization that should not exist. And it is definitely one that should not be funded by our tax dollars.
Planned Parenthood’s admission of criminal behavior adds fuel to the fire.
We have repeatedly seen that Planned Parenthood profits from the sale of baby body parts. This brief video demonstrates this fact.
Lies, lies, and more lies repeatedly come from the lips of Planned Parenthood staff, but one day soon, women will open up about the damage this organization has caused.