Call upon Mary, the Mother of God, to Help in Your Pro-Life Efforts
Honor Mary this month with prayers and ask her to help foster a culture of life. We need her help now more than ever.
Honor Mary this month with prayers and ask her to help foster a culture of life. We need her help now more than ever.
Nothing could be more despicable than creating a video making fun of those who spend their lives trying to help women and babies.
ALL urges Catholic universities to maintain their Catholic identity.
We honor Mary as the mother of God and we ask her to help us in the fight against Planned Parenthood.
Imagine a world in which only the perfect survive.
We cannot run or hide from the reality that an abortion kills a preborn baby. Nor can we deny the many ways our nation kills babies each and every day. Don’t turn a blind eye to the facts. Educate yourselves.
Today we are “tweeted” to a sad representation of public opinion about the ease in which people kill their preborn babies.
Celebrate all mothers by helping people understand the truth of motherhood.
Planned Parenthood continues its reign of terror and destruction of lives.
This week’s video shows the beauty we all have within us.
Witness how ALL helps build a culture of life throughout the country.
Do you know the truth behind embryonic stem cell research? It’s not what many would have you believe.