Tuesday, November 8, Is Election Day. Vote!
When election time comes on Tuesday and you cast your ballot, remember to vote with the babies in your mind and in your heart.
When election time comes on Tuesday and you cast your ballot, remember to vote with the babies in your mind and in your heart.
The election is nearly upon us and we have seen an influx of irrational and senseless talk—talk we must know how to refute.
These future voters are sure to energize your week with their bright eyes and sweet dispositions.
Emily Brown of ALL’s Life Defenders explains the importance of voting while keeping four essential truths in mind.
ALL’s Culture of Life Studies Program and Life Defenders shine the light of truth and teach us how to respect the lives of all human beings.
Planned Parenthood has always been at the forefront of killing babies through medication abortions (also known as abortion pill abortions).
Integrating the culture of life into the lessons you teach at home or in the classroom should be hassle-free.
Since the 1970s Judie Brown has been on the front lines of the battle to end abortion.
Abortion reversal is a medical service that gives women with second thoughts a second chance.
This meme not only shows the humanity of a preborn baby, but makes us think about what’s truly important when electing the leaders of our country.
In this week’s news, we see the urgency of voting with an understanding of Church teaching.
You cannot sit idly by this election season. Your vote counts and you must vote to protect babies.