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Katie Brown Bio

Katie Brown joined American Life League full time in 2019 as director of communication. In 2024, she was selected by the board to step into the role of national director for ALL.  

In her role as national director, Katie will direct and oversee ALL’s various programs and work with Judie Brown to create policy and direction for the organization. 

As part of her responsibilities at ALL, she oversees the Marian Blue Wave, a program dedicated to praying the rosary for an end to abortion. 

Katie is a 2018 graduate of Belmont Abbey College with a bachelor’s degree in English language and literature and minors in criminal justice and Christianity and culture. For two years during her college career, she was editor of the college newspaper, The Crusader. While still a college student, Katie became involved with the pro-life movement and volunteered at American Life League as an intern under then Executive Director Jim Sedlak. 

Katie is a sought-after spokesperson for ALL and frequently defends the sanctity of all human beings in interviews with outlets such as One America News Network, Catholic News Agency, American Family News, and FOX News.   

She has been profiled for her pro-life work by Catholic News Agency, LifeSiteNews, and Radiant Magazine.  

Katie also travels around the country to give pro-life talks to various middle and high school students. She speaks on topics geared toward young adults, including the dignity of human beings and living as a Christian young person in today’s upside-down culture.  

She is the granddaughter of ALL founder and president Judie Brown.