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SACReD Abortion

By Judie Brown

While we might wonder about any organization that holds the act of killing another person in such reverence that they would equate the word sacred with the direct violence of abortion, we must remember that we are living in an age of deception. Anything the enemies of life can do to advance their agenda appears to be acceptable to far too many in our midst. Thus it is that we discovered SACReD.

SACReD is an organization dedicated to advancing “reproductive justice” and defining itself as a “spiritual alliance of communities for reproductive dignity.” According to its site, its mission “is to create and equip a network of spiritual communities with liberative religious education & practices that shift our culture to advance reproductive justice. We affirm bodily autonomy and moral agency, celebrate healthy sexuality, and advocate for reproductive dignity to support the flourishing of all people and families.”

Such words reveal a great deal about those who will not recognize the humanity of the preborn child but who prefer to reside in a state of planned ignorance. Not a one of them believes that the preborn child is a person, let alone someone who has her own autonomy, which happens to be developing within the body of her mother. So what kind of moral agency condones this type of human slaughter?

It is the ability of the thinking human being to deny the existence of moral principles in exchange for faith in evil, self-service, and all manner of depraved thinking. The best example of this, with history to support it, is the philosophy of Planned Parenthood and its members. For example, in 2021 Planned Parenthood of Illinois claimed: “Abortion is sacred. And the Supreme Court can’t take that away from us.”

More recently it was Senate Republicans who blocked a Democrat-supported bill that would have revived all the abortion permissions that were decriminalized under Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. However, with a vote of only 44 to 49, one cannot suggest that the politics of life is victorious since, as we know, compromise is always a part of the package.

In fact, in response to the position of Donald J. Trump on abortion, the Republican party has adopted the same position—that they will not oppose aborting a baby before that baby is 15 weeks gestational age.

But even at that low bar for suggesting opposition to some abortion, organizations like Planned Parenthood are frothing at the mouth to ensure as many abortions as possible.

According to one report:

Pro-abortion groups are reportedly dumping over $150 million into political campaigns, lobbying efforts, and ads in an effort to expand abortion across the country. A pro-abortion coalition called Abortion Access Now — comprised of nine organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR), and Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), among others — announced on Monday it would be dedicating $100 million over the next 10 years “to codify the right to abortion . . . ” The campaign will focus its resources on “lobbying efforts, grassroots organizing, public education, and comprehensive communication strategies to mobilize support and enact change.”

Such is the state of things in a nation that for far too many citizens, abortion has become sacrosanct, and any challenge to the status quo, regardless of how flawed, is unacceptable. Such ideologues refuse to acknowledge what pregnancy really means. They are so blinded by devotion to abortion that they cannot comprehend the truth about what the act does to the youngest and most vulnerable of our fellow brothers and sisters.

So when the media points out to us that even among Catholics there are varying views on abortion, we are left to wade through the confusion. Our mission is helping others understand that there is nothing sacred about killing a person but everything sacred about affirming, respecting, and promoting the rights of every person to live, love, and know the goodness of God.

This is not our view; it is the undeniable, absolute truth!